Finally, Yannis Dragasakis from SYRIZA 2024-07-21 14:21:45

In his text, Yannis Dragasakis leaves sharp points once morest Stefanos Kasselakis. “Mr. Kasselakis took over a left-wing party with problems & “delivers” many more problems without a left-wing party, as SYRIZA has entered a process of de-leftization. SYRIZA, with the current leadership, cannot solve the problems of identity, strategy and democratic functioning that it faced before”, he says characteristically.

Yannis Dragasakis: See his post

“The developments make necessary a new mass, popular party of the Left

In the strange times we live in, I would not like, through my own inaction, to find myself trapped in a party which will no longer have anything to do with SYRIZA which I have served since its inception, & I am proud to have contributed to its creation. I want to declare, therefore, that I am resigning as a member of SYRIZA. It’s a decision I’d hate to have to make, but developments have long made it necessary.

I remind you that I have already resigned from the SYRIZA organs since last December. The fears I expressed at the time regarding degenerative developments have, unfortunately, been fully confirmed. No additional arguments are therefore needed. You can stay in a party, even if you disagree with its current policy, as long as that party adheres to some fixed rules and there are democratic guarantees of respect for the dignity and opinions of all. But it is extremely difficult to stay in a party in which the concept of democracy & the Left, but also the history of the party itself, are undermined & the only accepted rule is the often unclear & changeable will of the leader.

Personally, I am sure that the Left will be called by the people, once more, to govern, because big problems are piling up that require progressive solutions. Data published yesterday regarding the continued flight abroad of new scientific & labor force is extremely worrying. It is another indication that, if there is no plan & strategy to change the production model & the unequal redistribution of the produced wealth, the country will be led to new dead ends & the society to new impoverishment. The Left can take the lead once more on the condition that it works & for this it creates trusting relationships with the world of work, has worked out solutions to problems & forms reliable conditions for progressive and effective governance.

Some had expectations from the new leadership. But in SYRIZA today, a process of deterioration, and not creation, is taking place, with its history, its work, its moral-political integrity being the first victim. The discussion that was opened, at the initiative of the leadership, regarding “black funds” is a huge insult to the thousands of party members who offered selflessly & with their delay, kept the party standing and its offices open all these years. It was a great gift to the Right & all those who argue that “everyone is the same”.

Mr. Kasselakis took over a leftist party with problems & “delivers” many more problems without a leftist party, as SYRIZA has entered a de-leftization process. SYRIZA, with the current leadership, cannot solve the problems of identity, strategy & democratic functioning that it faced before. It will be, for this reason, in a permanent crisis.

Developments present us with two interrelated tasks. Firstly, to fight for a new mass, popular party of the Left, from the radical left to left social democracy & secondly, a progressive alternative to the problem of governing the country. Let everyone respond to this double duty in any way and from any position they choose.

What is certain is that the social Left, the “left hemisphere” of society, exists, and is looking for a unified, strong and effective political representation. Developments in the world, Europe & Greece leave no room for complacency.

History, however, shows that the rallying & reconstitution of the Left has greater potential to succeed if it becomes a matter of society, the youth, the unintegrated world of the Left & ecology, through collective initiatives & movements, which must exist everywhere, with any convenient form. Good luck, then, in the known places, for the known reasons.

Yannis Dragasakis”

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#Finally #Yannis #Dragasakis #SYRIZA



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