“Finally look at your work, maybe this way you too will be successful”

“Leave me to do my job, this job that I have been doing successfully for 35 years now,” emphasizes Markos Seferlis again.

With a torrential, new post, Markos Seferlis came back through social media to respond to his critics on Thursday afternoon. In fact, the popular comedian, after repeating that he has been consistently making sure to be successful for 33 years in the field of theater, advised his enemies to look at their own work as well.

In particular, Markos Seferlis notes to the camera that “this is how one understands that someone is a little like a person and an artist. When he starts blaming his colleagues and the audience that follows them. This is called unfair competition, i.e. “don’t go to him, he’s not good, come to me who’s perfect”. But unfortunately for you, this world, which you are accused of, has an infallible criterion and places everyone where he deserves. Some at the top and others at the bottom.”

“So, I say it again, let me do my job, the job I’ve been doing successfully for 35 years now, and you finally look at your own job for once. Maybe that’s how you’ll be successful too, because you have talent from what I’ve heard you say, you yourselves, not the world.”

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#Finally #work #successful



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