Finally an Observatory for the study of pollution in the Gulf of Fos

2024-01-16 18:58:47

Things are moving in terms of environmental monitoring of the territory. On December 7, the Ecocitizen Institute for Pollution Knowledge launched the Gulf of Fos Observatory. This newcomer brings together local players – boaters, fishermen, industrialists, natural area managers; communities – at the head of which are the Metropolis and the City of Fos; the water agency and the Grand maritime port of Marseille. Its objective: to better understand the pollution to which the marine environment of the bay is subject, and to identify future ecological issues. Monitoring water quality, study of surface atmospheric deposits, accidental pollution, health of marine life… Everything will be scrutinized.”For us, this is a major step, which concretizes the work carried out over the past ten years. of years by the Institute, the research centers which work in this space, the State services, the industrialists too, who carry out studies,

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