Finalizing project for sanitary works in four cities that will benefit 120,000 inhabitants

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The districts of San Estanislao (San Pedro), Eusebio Ayala (Cordillera), Alberdi (Ñeembucú) and Piribebuy (Cordillera) will benefit from the construction of sanitary sewage networks and Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), positively impacting more of 120,000 inhabitants of the urban area.

The works are part of a project promoted by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) through the Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Dapsan), with support from the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF).

The international organization has been working since 2021 on the preparation of the feasibility study and the advanced preliminary project for these works through a consultancy contracted by the bank through a non-reimbursable technical cooperation, reported the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC).

Visit to the beneficiary cities

This week, a delegation made up of technicians from CAF, Dapsan and the Directorate of Socio-Environmental Management (DGSA) visited the four cities, where they met with municipal authorities to coordinate the details of the project.

They also visited the project area and the land where the WWTP will be built, which will benefit more than 120,000 inhabitants of the urban area.

It was announced that the financing of the work will be provided by the CAF and that the amount of funding is up to USD 100 million. The municipal mayors of the four cities mentioned recognized that the lack of a sanitary sewer system is a long-standing problem that cannot be postponed any longer, considering the growth of the urban area, and that it is about protecting public health that seeks to improve the quality of life of the population. All this within the framework of the Sanitation Program for Intermediate Cities of the Eastern Region of Paraguay.

#Finalizing #project #sanitary #works #cities #benefit #inhabitants
2024-08-30 18:17:08



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