Final spurt in the National Council elections in Austria

As of: September 29, 2024 1:30 p.m

Austria is holding elections for a new parliament today. Pre-election surveys indicate that the ruling ÖVP trails just behind the right-wing nationalist FPÖ. A scandal involving an SS song drew attention the day before the elections.

In Austria, early voting is common. Polling stations opened at 6 a.m. Most will close between 1 and 4 p.m., with two municipalities, including the capital Vienna, allowing voting until 5 p.m.

Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen encouraged citizens to exercise their right to vote through a video message: “If you don’t vote, you let others decide. To be honest, I wouldn’t rely on that,” said Van der Bellen. “So: don’t get angry afterward; it’s better to act beforehand.”

Surveys Show FPÖ Leading

For the first time in a National Council election, the right-wing extremist FPÖ is leading in the polls. Party leader Herbert Kickl has declared his ambition for the chancellorship. Other parties have raised concerns about Kickl. A video surfaced shortly before the election, showing high-ranking FPÖ politicians at a funeral where an SS loyalty song was performed.

The conservative Austrian People’s Party is the only party willing to form a coalition with the FPÖ, although it excludes collaboration with Kickl. The ÖVP, under Sebastian Kurz, won the 2019 election with over 37 percent but is currently about ten percentage points lower in the polls, sitting in second place.

First Projection Expected Shortly After 5 p.m.

After casting his vote this morning, ÖVP top candidate and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer expressed optimism about the election outcome. “We have put together a strong electoral movement,” Nehammer stated. “The many conversations with people have shown that they trust my work. Now, it’s just a matter of getting the order.”

The first projection is anticipated shortly after 5 p.m., but it may have a fluctuation of two percentage points or more. Christoph Hofinger from the election research institute Foresight anticipates that there may not be a clear winner: “We can expect significant shifts among several parties and notable urban-rural differences.” Making conclusions based on urban projections regarding rural communities may be risky, says Hofinger.

Will Small Parties Tip the Scales?

The preliminary final result is unlikely to be known before 11 p.m. The potential majorities in parliament will largely depend on whether two small parties, the Beer Party and the Communist Party, secure seats in the National Council.

Whether they surpass the four percent threshold will be decided on Thursday when the last postal votes are counted. “If a party has 3.8 percent on election night, it does not mean they should give up hope,” said election researcher Hofinger.

Once the results are official, the Federal President will consult with all parties. Typically, the Federal President also invites the strongest party to form a government. However, Alexander Van der Bellen has left it uncertain whether he would do the same if the FPÖ were to win the election.

As of: September 29, 2024 1:30 p.m

Austria is electing a new parliament today. Surveys before the election saw the ruling ÖVP just behind the right-wing nationalist FPÖ. It came to attention the day before the election due to a scandal surrounding an SS song.

Silke Hahne

In Austria, people tend to vote early. The first polling stations have been open since 6 a.m. And most close between 1 and 4 p.m. Voters can only cast their votes until 5 p.m. in two municipalities, including the capital Vienna.

Austria’s Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen called on citizens via video message to use their right to vote: “If you don’t vote, you let others decide. To be honest, I wouldn’t rely on that,” said Van der Bellen. “So: don’t get angry afterwards, it’s better to act beforehand.”

Surveys See FPÖ Ahead

For the first time in a National Council election, the right-wing extremist FPÖ is in first place in the polls. Party leader Herbert Kickl’s declared goal is the chancellorship. Other parties warn against Kickl. Shortly before the election, a video emerged showing high-ranking FPÖ politicians at a funeral where an SS loyalty song was sung.

The conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) is the only party willing to form a coalition with the FPÖ but has ruled out collaboration with Kickl. The ÖVP clearly won the 2019 election under Sebastian Kurz with more than 37 percent; in current surveys, it is about ten percentage points lower, now in second place.

First Projection Shortly After 5 p.m.

When casting his vote this morning, ÖVP top candidate and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer expressed optimism about the election outcome. The party has “put together a strong electoral movement,” Nehammer stated. “The many conversations with people have shown that they trust my work. And now it’s just a matter of getting the order.”

The first projection is expected shortly after 5 p.m. It could have a fluctuation range of two percentage points or more. Christoph Hofinger from the election research institute Foresight expects no clear winner: “We can expect significant shifts among several parties, with large urban-rural differences.” Drawing conclusions from the projections in cities to Austria’s many rural communities is risky, says Hofinger.

Small Parties Tipping the Scales?

The preliminary final result will likely not be known before 11 p.m. The possible majorities in parliament depend largely on whether two small parties, the Beer Party and the Communist Party, enter the National Council.

Whether they surpass the four percent mark could only be determined on Thursday when the last postal votes are counted. “If a party has 3.8 percent on election evening, they don’t have to give up hope,” noted election researcher Hofinger.

Once the results are official, the Federal President will hold talks with all parties. Usually, the Federal President also entrusts the strongest party with forming a government. However, Alexander Van der Bellen left it open whether he would do this in the event of an FPÖ election victory.

Key Takeaways on the Austrian Election

  • Early Voting: Polling stations opened early in the morning, enabling high voter turnout.
  • Voter Sentiment: Citizens responded to political scandals with increased participation, as indicated by President Van der Bellen’s call to action.
  • FPÖ’s Rise: Controversies around the FPÖ have galvanized varying opinions, making the political landscape volatile.
  • Impact of Small Parties: The role of smaller parties could be pivotal in forming a coalition government.

Practical Tips for Voters

  1. Plan Ahead: Check polling times and locations in advance.
  2. Stay Informed: Follow credible news sources for updates on party positions and controversies.
  3. Engage with Others: Encouraging family and friends to vote increases civic engagement.
  4. Understand Proposals: Familiarize yourself with party platforms before heading to the polls.



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