2023-09-12 10:58:26
With 2 million players registered worldwide before Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis officially launches, the iOS and Android game’s success is guaranteed for the time being. But some aspects of player interaction with content may still need to be improved in the future, as the game’s servers in Japan are smoking hot, precisely because of VPN access, which Square Enix will nip in the bud. In a message on X, the game’s official Japanese account reported that VPN access to the game had been blocked due to a terms of service violation. Therefore, players who are not physically connected to the country’s network will not be able to access the game’s servers. VPN access comes regarding because the game basically hasn’t been released in all regions yet, and localization of the game depends on the region you’re playing in. Many users will now have to wait for the game to be released in more regions and incorporate the original language options. Have you tried Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis? If you haven’t already, you can check out our preview beforehand during SGF. Thanks, Silicon Age.
#Square #Enix #restricts #VPN #access #Final #Fantasy #VII #Crisis #Final #Fantasy #VII #Crisis