Final Cut Pro will be available at launch of Apple Vision Pro, says filmmaker

2023-06-07 18:39:15

Among the many rumors that preceded the announcement of the Apple Vision Prowas that the device would support editing software Final Cut Pro e Logic Pro. At the time, it was not very clear how this would happen, although the official presentation of the headset, which took place last Monday (5/6), may have given us a better sense of how this could happen.

According to the filmmaker and YouTuber Matti Haapoja, Final Cut Pro will even work with visionOS. More than just being compatible, this should happen when the product is launched (in early 2024), which could attract professionals — with an experience quite different from what is found on the Mac.

According to Haapoja, the app will actually gain support for the Apple Vision Pro, including taking advantage of its advanced eye/iris monitoring capabilities and hand gestures, which make it possible to create different features. It will certainly be something transformative for audiovisual creators and, for filmmakers, a tool that will “completely change” cinematography and content creation.

It was not clear, however, if Final Cut Pro will gain a new version made from scratch for visionOS — as happened with iPadOS —, or if it will actually work as an extension of the app for macOS, in a kind of “monitor”. external” virtual. For the iMorethe second possibility is more likely, as the app requires an amount of storage that the Vision Pro should not count on.

The novelty makes a lot of sense considering the apparent appeal of the headset to the professional public, expressed by the “Pro” suffix. It is also possible that other editing software will be made available for visionOS, including from third parties, in order to strengthen the use of the headset in terms of content creation — and not just reproduction.

As with the iPad app, there may be limitations in video editing software for visionOS compared to macOS. In any case, possible resource losses will certainly be compensated by the more than differentiated and very immersive editing experience using the headset.

Final Cut Pro app icon for iPad

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