Film Festival: Luxembourg also makes its cinema in Cannes

2023-05-20 14:14:27


Festival you filmLuxembourg also makes its cinema in Cannes

LUXEMBOURG/CANNES – Celebrating successes while driving change. Luxembourg cinema met at the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday. Under the eyes of Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and the Grand Ducal couple.


our special correspondent in Cannes, Thomas Holzer

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20.05 This Saturday marks Luxembourg Day at the Cannes Film Festival. The Grand-Ducal couple went through the Luxembourg pavilion for the occasion.

The essential/Marine Meunier

Prime Minister Xavier Bettel also made the trip.

Prime Minister Xavier Bettel also made the trip.

The essential/Marine Meunier

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa deep in conversation with actress Marie Jung, whom L'essentiel met as she approached her first stair climb.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa in deep conversation with actress Marie Jung, whom L’essentiel met approaching his first stair climb.

The essential/Marine Meunier

“It’s the only time of the year when Luxembourg has access to the sea”, launched Guy Daleiden, director of the Film Fund in the preamble to Luxembourg Day at the Cannes Film Festival, while joking about the capricious weather on a Saturday. May on the Côte d’Azur. After more than 20 years of presence on the Croisette, the Luxembourg film industry is well aware of the ups and downs. Good surprises too with a slew of nominations for its co-productions this year.

For the occasion, the success of Luxembourg cinema was celebrated with great fanfare with the welcome of the Grand Ducal couple and the participation of Xavier Bettel, “a regular at the place”, laughed Mr. Daleiden.