Film Censorship Board Affirms Respect for Creative Freedom

Cinema visitors sit waiting for the film schedule under a horror film poster. (MI/Ramdani)

THE Film Censorship Institute (LSF) explained the current film censorship policy in Indonesia which is considered to respect creative freedom. Deputy Chair of the LSF for the 2024-2028 period Noorca Marendra Massardi said there were no restrictions directly applied to the films produced.

“This is in a democratic country, film censors really respect the freedom of creativity, there are no restrictions, we never make cuts anymore, we only provide recommendations if there are certain scenes that we consider to be contrary to norms,” ​​said Masardi as quoted on Friday (30/8).

The censorship process, he said, was only a recommendation to the film owner if there were certain scenes that were deemed to be in conflict with
societal norms. The recommendation is in the form of a request for the scenes to be revised, but the revision is entirely the responsibility of the film owner.

In terms of themes and genres, every creator, cineaste, and producer has the right to produce works. Works with horror, religious, and other genre themes are part of the normal variation of public taste.

“Well, whatever the themes, whatever the genre, it is the right of every creator, filmmaker, producer to produce them. Horror-themed films, religious films, if many people are interested, I think that is something normal, natural, in accordance with the public’s tastes,” he said.

According to him, LSF only focuses on supervision so that there is no excessive exploitation or offense against certain groups. LSF emphasized that until now, filmmakers have understood these limitations and have tried to create measured works without being excessive in terms of sadism or exploitation.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) inaugurated 17 members of the Film Censorship Institute (LSF) for the 2024-2028 period to strengthen the quality of the Indonesian film ecosystem on Wednesday.
(28/8). (Ant/H-3)

#Film #Censorship #Board #Affirms #Respect #Creative #Freedom



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