“Fighting Fatty Liver Disease: Latest Discoveries and Treatments for NASH”

2023-05-11 14:00:00

On 11.05.2023 at 04:00

Modified on 11.05.2023 at 4:00 p.m.

NASH, or fatty liver disease, is gaining ground in our sedentary, junk-food-loving society. Scientists are therefore looking for remedies for this pathology, which seriously affects this essential organ.


There is no cure for fatty liver disease, also called NASH, partly because we still know little regarding this pathology linked to fatty and sugary foods. It is an accumulation of fat in the liver that causes inflammation and progresses to fibrosis. There fibrosis occurs when damage causes an abnormally large amount of scar tissue in an organ. It can then transform into cirrhosisthat is to say in chronic disease, which leads to the irreversible destruction of cells.

“This pathology is then more than a disease of the liver because it is at the center of the entire metabolic process. The chronically diseased and inflamed NASH liver produces many circulating molecules, with harmful effects. Thus, the first danger for the NASH patients is well cardiovascular”, explain it site from the University Hospital of Lyon.

Recent scientific discoveries give hope

This is why research is underway to try to understand this serious condition which currently affects more than 200,000 people in France. For the first time, a team of researchers from Toulouse has identified bacteria present in the liver of people with NASH (acronym for “non-alcoholic steatohepatitis”) from the onset of the onset of the disease, reports the daily The Dispatch. These new bacteria might be responsible for depositing fibrosis in the early stages liver. New research from Inserm are also exploring the possibility of block certain immune cells responsible for inflammation of the liver…


These findings are important for research aimed at treating patients. The people affected are most often in a situation of obesity or type 2 diabetes. Today, only weight loss and a radical change in lifestyle can repair the lesions. But if the disease gains too much ground, the patient goes towards liver failure, and the only solution then becomes the transplant. Scientists are therefore looking for solutions to try to reduce fibrosis and improve the therapeutic management of patients, who are more and more numerous.

Time is running out because the numbers are worrying. NASH is growing exponentially in industrialized countries, where the population is more sedentary, and will soon be the leading cause of liver transplants. The number of serious cases might double within seven years, and reach 400,000 in 2030according to the projections of the French National Society of Gastroenterology (SNFGE).


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