Fighting Allergies Through Diet: Experts’ Tips for Children with Allergies During Seasonal Changes

2023-05-15 07:48:11

Children with allergies feel distressed when the season changes!Experts teach how to fight allergies through diet

Consultation / Dr. Wei Changjing, director of the Children’s Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology Department, Children’s Hospital of China Medical University, and Su Yuwen, nutritionist of the Clinical Nutrition Department of the Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University

Interview author / Lin Yan

Photo credit / Photo AC

With the arrival of spring, the alternation of seasons is the season when annoying “allergies” are prone to occur. Parents feel distressed when their child scratches their red skin, keeps coughing, blows their nose, and even affects their sleep quality. Pediatricians and nutritionists specifically point out the methods of daily care and dietary principles to improve allergies, helping parents prevent the occurrence of allergies, and prevent allergies from becoming a daily routine for babies!

Can’t tell the difference between allergies and colds? 3 differences teach you to distinguish

Every March and April, the seasons alternate, the weather fluctuates from hot to cold, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. Children sneeze, runny nose, nasal congestion or cough. Is it a cold or an allergy attack? Dr. Wei Changjing, director of the Children’s Allergy and Immunology Department of Children’s Hospital of China Medical University, said that although the two are similar, there are still essential differences. If you carefully observe the following three directions, you can find clues:

1. Source of infection:Generally, obvious sources of infection can be found for colds, such as: baby care centers, kindergartens, relatives with colds, etc.

2. The course of the disease:Colds usually come and go quickly, and will recover within 1 to 2 weeks. Allergies will come and go, lasting for more than 2 weeks. In addition, parents can observe whether their children have seizures only at specific times and situations. For example, allergic rhinitis is prone to attack when the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, while asthma is easily triggered by stimuli such as air pollution, running and jumping, and colds, and the frequency of coughing will last for a long time.

3. Differentiate by symptoms: A common cold is mostly a viral infection, often combined with other systemic symptoms, such as: sore throat, fever, body aches, etc. The nasal discharge of a cold is generally sticky and cloudy, and if bacterial infection is concurrent, the color turns to yellow-green; the nasal discharge of allergic rhinitis is relatively clear.

Children suffering from allergic rhinitis and asthma are more prone to colds, and the two diseases often interact or co-occur. Therefore, Dr. Wei Changjing also reminded that if the cold has not improved for several months, it is also necessary to pay attention to whether there are allergic symptoms.

How do I know if I need medical attention?

My child has allergies but the symptoms are not serious. Do I need to see a doctor? Dr. Wei Changjing explained that if you just sneeze when you wake up in the morning, you can take care of yourself if you have mild symptoms that do not affect your sleep quality or seriously affect your daily life. When the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, apply a warm towel to your mouth and nose and wear a mask to reduce the triggering factors. Can.

Conversely, if the allergies persist (almost several days a week with symptoms), it has reached a level that affects daily life and sleep, including: the child’s decreased concentration, fatigue, rubbing to conjunctival damage or broken nose , nosebleeds, nasal congestion to affect breathing during sleep, etc., you need to seek medical help. In addition, asthma is a chronic bronchial inflammation. Although environmental control can help improve it, treatment is still necessary. If there is an acute attack or even asthma within a year, it is necessary to treat and follow up until there is no recurrence within a year. Otherwise, the bronchi will remain inflamed for a long time, and these children will find that they have irreversible decline in lung function due to airway remodeling when they reach school age.

Tips. The doctor will formulate the course of treatment according to the frequency and degree of allergic symptoms. Don’t stop the medicine or stop the course of treatment if you feel relieved!

Allergies will not change!Environmental and dietary control are essential

Children have weak resistance and have not yet established antibodies to many pathogenic bacteria in the environment. They are prone to catch a cold during normal hand-to-mouth contact. Once a cold causes respiratory damage, allergens are more likely to take advantage of it. Therefore, children are more susceptible to infection than adults. prone to allergies. Since the allergic constitution will not change, repeated allergies will cause considerable damage to the child’s health. For example, severe allergic rhinitis may lead to hypertrophy of the turbinates to the point of blocking the nasal cavity or bending of the nasal septum, and may even require surgery for improvement. In addition, with severe atopic dermatitis, even in adulthood, 25% of patients are still disturbed by the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Therefore, Dr. Wei Changjing reminds parents to take proper care of their children during their growth period, and work hard on environmental control and diet to keep children away from allergens and eat a balanced diet to reduce the chance of inducing allergies.

Grasp 6 methods of daily care

1. The high humidity in Taiwan makes it easy to breed dust mites and mold, so dehumidifiers are often used.

2. If the window is not facing the road, you can open the window to increase air convection, or turn on the air purifier when the window is closed to maintain air quality.

3. Change and wash the bedding at home frequently, and wash the sheets, quilt covers, and pillowcases once a week to avoid the breeding of dust mites.

4. If you have pets at home and your baby is allergic to fur and dander, don’t keep pets in the dormitory. Because people sleep for a long time a day, if they are exposed to allergens all night, the symptoms will be more serious.

5. Babies with nasal allergies can try to rinse the nasal cavity to wash away the inhaled dust mites, air and pathogens and reduce the frequency of attacks.

6. Children with atopic dermatitis should pay attention to maintaining the protective function of the cortex, apply moisturizing cream following bathing, and reduce exposure to irritating substances that can damage the skin barrier.

If you have an allergic baby at home, avoid the 4 major NG foods

In addition to controlling environmental factors, eating a balanced diet and avoiding foods that cause inflammation can also reduce the frequency of allergies. Su Yuwen, a nutritionist in the Clinical Nutrition Department of the Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, reminds the following 4 types of NG foods to avoid:

1. Honey: Contains botulism spores, which can cause infantile botulism, and should not be eaten by children under 1 year old.

2. Processed food: It will increase the body’s inflammatory response, and even have an indirect impact on Tourette’s disease and ADHD. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat processed food under the age of 2. If you need to buy, it is recommended that parents can observe the label, the simpler and easier to understand the names of the additives, the less the better.

3. Fried food: In Taiwan’s food culture, fried food is unavoidable. But this type of food not only causes inflammation in the body, but also has a lot of oil. Parents are advised to control the frequency of their children’s intake of fried foods, and the less frequent their children’s exposure to fried foods and sweets, the better.

4. Sweets: Sweets are very addictive, especially the happiness brought by chocolate is unparalleled. But excess sugar can actually cause serious inflammation. If your child really craves a snack, you might as well replace it with some fruit or sweet food.

Can’t eat seafood and peanuts?A Diverse Diet Better Builds Tolerance

As for seafood and peanuts that are likely to cause allergies, Su Yuwen, a nutritionist, explained that the intestinal wall of the baby’s intestines is still immature before 4 months, and intake of too much protein with large molecules can easily cause allergies. But when you start adding non-staple food at 4 to 6 months, you can let your child try a variety of foods. As the saying goes: “Garbage eats, garbage is big (Taiwanese).” Although it is not to tell children to eat indiscriminately, there is no need to deliberately avoid foods that are prone to allergies. The 2020 Dietary Guidelines for the United States pointed out that if children are exposed to foods that are prone to allergies when they are young, oral tolerance can be better established. Dr. Wei Changjing also said: “Even if you don’t give it to your child, the small molecules of the food may still enter the body from the respiratory tract and skin.” Therefore, when giving non-staple food, let the child build up tolerance early, but it is more effective in preventing allergies help.

Parents can start giving non-staple foods from foods that are less likely to cause allergies, such as cereals. You can start with a small amount of highly allergenic foods, and stop immediately unless you develop acute allergies (such as redness, swelling, difficulty breathing, coughing, etc.) following eating. If the child does not have any signs of allergies, it can be increased gradually. “Children will imitate and learn the habits of adults.” Dietitian Su Yuwen reminds parents to lead by example and establish good eating habits.

Pay attention to the type and number of bacteria when purchasing probiotics

It is often heard that people with allergies need to eat probiotics, because 70% of the immune cells in the human body are concentrated in the intestinal tract. If there are more bad bacteria in the intestinal tract than good bacteria, the immunity will decline accordingly, and allergies will easily occur. Studies have also found that supplementing with probiotics can help improve atopic dermatitis. There is no age limit on the consumption of probiotics, but you should pay attention to the type and number of bacteria when purchasing. Nutritionist Su Yuwen suggested that bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium lactis can be selected for eczema; bacteria such as LP33 and LGG+BB can be selected for rhinitis; bacteria such as Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus and BB-12 can be selected The second species is more helpful for atopic dermatitis. In addition, in terms of the number of strains, at least a product with more than 10 billion bacteria should be supplemented each time.

Tips. If there are special conditions such as chemotherapy, low immunity, etc., you must consult a nutritionist before deciding whether to supplement.

You can always eat it! 3 types of nutrients improve allergies

In addition to probiotics, there are actually many foods in life that can improve immunity and anti-inflammation. The composition of each natural food is different. It is recommended that children maintain a balanced diet and consume more of the following foods to help fight allergies.

1. Vitamin C: Vitamin C can strengthen human mucous membrane cells, enhance immunity, and anti-inflammation. It can be taken from various fruits and vegetables, such as: guava, lemon juice, kiwi fruit, and citrus fruits.

Tips. If it is made into fruit juice for children to drink, it should be noted that babies under the age of 1 cannot drink honey. The fruit juice for young children should mainly be raw juice, and try not to add sugar and honey.

2. Vitamin D: Vitamin D is an indispensable nutrient to maintain the functioning of the immune system. It is recommended to take the child outdoors for at least 10 to 30 minutes following 2 pm to 4 pm without sun protection. Part of the diet can be supplemented from dairy products, algae, eggs, milk, salmon, etc.

3. Fish oil: Fish oil of mackerel, saury, sardines, and deep-sea fish is rich in Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can help suppress inflammation, and EPA, an important component in fish oil, is also helpful in fighting inflammation. Moderate supplementation can improve allergic symptoms.

Tips. Studies have found that breastfed children are less likely to develop allergies when they grow up. Therefore, breastfeeding is encouraged before the stage of non-staple food, and the diet of breastfeeding mothers should also be balanced!

There are many causes of allergies. It is not enough to control diet or avoid allergens once and for all. It also needs to be combined with regular exercise, normal life and rest, and treatment. Therefore, anti-allergy can also be said to be a protracted battle in parenting life. Only by persistently working hard can we maintain the immune balance of children, build a good physique, and prevent allergens from entering.

Please see the full content:【Baby and Mother Baby Health】

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