Fight against human trafficking: Task Force “Western Balkans” welcomes Turkey as a central player

2024-02-11 14:57:09

Pan-European 24/7 network to efficiently combat human trafficking founded and managed by Austria

Vienna (OTS) – The “Western Balkans” task force, which was founded to efficiently combat smuggling, has grown to include an important member: With Turkey, the criminal police network has gained a central player, because Turkey is the anchor or starting point for a significant number of people Parts of international smuggling crime. By networking with Turkey, the organized crime behind smuggling is restricted. “Consistent action against the brutal and inhumane smuggling mafia requires international cooperation. Austria has taken a pioneering role in cross-border cooperation through the coordination office in Vienna. Last year alone, 725 smugglers were arrested despite asylum applications being halved,” said Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.

Expertise and commitment: Austria leads the fight against human trafficking

The “Western Balkans” task force founded by Austria is part of the internationally renowned coordination office to combat smuggling crime (Joint Operational Office). “With the coordination office to combat smuggling crime in the Federal Criminal Police Office, Vienna has become an important information hub. I am proud that we have taken a leading position in the international fight against human trafficking in the Western Balkans. Turkey’s signing of the joint declaration of intent is an important step in the fight against this unscrupulous form of organized crime,” explained Federal Criminal Police Office Director Andreas Holzer.

About the Western Balkans Task Force

The task force has one goal: efficient combating of smuggling through international networking, rapid exchange of information (intelligence) and rapid support when necessary, be it through personnel, expertise or technology.

The organized crime behind the smuggling is very well networked, technically adept and acts in a highly flexible and agile manner. Only through a real-time exchange of information and expertise can sustainable success against human trafficking be achieved. A milestone of the task force was the establishment of a 24/7 permanent service against skilled smuggling in all 27 member countries of the task force, pushed forward by Austria. In addition, a rapid response mechanism was also established: These reaction forces provide short-term support in dealing with cases of smuggling on site.

Since the task force was founded, criminal transactions in the area of ​​human trafficking have become much more difficult because the task force pays particular attention to financial flow investigations. State-of-the-art technology coupled with a high level of specialist knowledge from experts was the decisive factor in Austria still being able to record a high number of smuggler arrests in 2023, despite a significant decrease in refugee apprehensions.

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While there were 712 arrests of smugglers in 2022, 725 arrests of smugglers were recorded in 2023. This corresponds to an increase of 1.8 percent. Proof that the close-knit control and search networks are effective and that smuggling routes through Austria are no longer worthwhile for the criminals, which is why they are being relocated abroad.

Current situation on the Burgenland-Hungarian border

In the past three months, the number of apprehensions of people being trafficked or refugees has fallen massively. Since the end of October 2023, there have been an average of 100 arrests per month. In some cases the numbers were significantly lower. How efficient and sustainable the various police measures are can be seen when comparing them with the corresponding apprehension numbers in 2022 and 2023: In November and December 2022 and January 2023, almost 8,000, 5,000 and 2,300 people were apprehended in Burgenland.

Winter time has no effect on the practice of smuggling crime. Smuggling is a business model of organized crime that is carried out completely independently of temperatures. Despite consistently high migration pressure, there are only route shifts and not seasonal fluctuations.

Questions & Contact:

federal Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ministerial Councilor Markus Haindl, BA MA
Press spokesman for the Federal Minister
+43 (0) 1-531 26 – 90 1021

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