Figéac. Two young musicians on their way to Michigan

Tuesday, July 5 from early morning, Justine Heiser and Bérénice Nowak flew from Toulouse for a long journey of immersion and music in the United States, in the state of Michigan.

While the young Americans of Blue Lake have withdrawn from coming to Europe this year (due to the war in Ukraine and the Covid), the Lions Club of Figeac has kept its word by offering for the twentieth time the trip and the stay with an internship for two young girls from the Figeac music school and the Camerata ensemble, one, Bérénice Nowak who plays the viola, and the second, Justine Heiser, the transverse flute.

Next year, a few months before the return of the fifty or so American musicians from Blue Lake scheduled for the end of June, they will both write a beautiful account of their unique journey.

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