FIFA’s response on April 21!

Following its elimination once morest Cameroon (1-2 ap) a fortnight ago in the second leg of the 2022 World Cup, Algeria announced the filing of a appeal to FIFA to protest once morest “the scandalous arbitration (by Bakary Gassama and the VAR, editor’s note) having distorted the resultof this game.

This appeal has been received by the governing body of the round ball, which will respond to it within two weeks. “The Algerian Football Federation (FAF) informs that the complaint it has lodged with FIFA will be submitted to the Disciplinary Committee for examination and decision on April 21, 2022“Said the FAF on Tuesday evening through a press release.

By adding the study of this appeal to its agenda, FIFA gives the impression that it is going to examine this case in depth, but the probability of seeing the Algerian request succeed is very low, except in the event of manipulation of proven match and no concrete evidence tends in this direction at the present time. Especially now that the draw of the World Cup took place…



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