“Fidel Castro’s Presence Revived in Cuban National Assembly: Analysis of the X Legislature’s Second Extraordinary Session”

2023-05-25 20:40:35

CubitaNOW Writing ~ Thursday May 25, 2023

The president of the National Assembly of Cuba, Esteban Lazo, inaugurated the parliamentary session arranged for this day, assuring that they have the “presence” of the late Fidel Castro.

Immediately the plenary began to applaud and they showed the empty chair next to Miguel Díaz-Canel, when it was thought that there could be no less logic, in the high dome of the island.

The Cuban activist Magdiel Jorge Castro showed the video of the moment, pointing out: “Stop what you are doing and look at this… today they revived Fidel Castro in the National Assembly while they showed an empty chair next to Díaz-Canel, what these people It doesn’t have a name.”

“They are an example of constant improvement. When you think you’ve seen everything, they come and take the fence away,” says a Cuban when watching the video.

After a month of being constituted, the X Legislature of the National Assembly held its Second Extraordinary Session today.

Raúl Castro was also taken to the sheltered scene. As published by the Cuban official press.

The Assembly has met to analyze the projection of the country, something that no longer causes any expectations for Cubans.

Before the Assembly, the Central Committee of the Party met, where the Deputy Prime Minister and head of Economy and Planning in Cuba, Alejandro Gil Fernández, analyzed compliance with the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines designed by the regime to presumably remove the country of the economic crisis.

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Gil Fernández explained that the implementation of the Guidelines proposed for the 2021/2026 period is halfway through and with a negative trend.

“We are halfway there, but we are not doing well; we must close ranks and speed up the pace”. The deputy prime minister also stated that they will continue with a group of measures that have “potential” although they have not yet given the expected results.

“We have in our hands a group of socks that have not given all the results, but have great potential. And yes, there is a way out, there is a solution to continue advancing in the economic and social development of our country,” Gil said.

The Minister of Economy added that the guidelines have so far not given the expected results in “national production, such as agro-industrial, exports of goods and services, foreign investment and efficiency in the investment process, among others” something that can contact in everyday life, he added.

For Alejandro Gil Fernández, a positive note is that “at the end of April in the country, 285 companies were reporting losses, but a year and a half ago there were about 500 in that state.”

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