Fichis, brother of Yuya and Paola, celebrate the arrival of their rainbow babies – Lola told me

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Introducing a Rainbow Baby: The Journey of Paola and Fichis

Well, here we are! The arrival of a rainbow baby—and not just any rainbow, but one that’s come after a storm of epic proportions! Let’s dive right into this heartwarming tale of resilience and joy, shall we?

The Story of Paola Poulain’s Pregnancy

Our protagonists, Sergio Castrejon, affectionately known as ‘Fichis’, and his wife Paola Poulain, have embarked on a journey that would make even the most seasoned soap opera writers jealous.
After enduring the immense heartbreak of losing their first set of twins following a lung infection—yes, lung infection… because babies can really choose the strangest ways to play hard to get!—this couple was not deterred.
They rallied, like a stubborn team of underdogs in a sports film, opting for in vitro fertilization (IVF) as their secret weapon in the battle for parenthood.

I mean, who hasn’t been tempted by a little scientific wizardry to skip the awkward “so, when are you having kids?” questions at family gatherings, right?

Fast forward to now—after a rollercoaster of emotions and more “please let this work” prayers than would fill a church on a Sunday—Fichis and Paola announced that they were expecting their rainbow babies,
Micaela and André, and let me tell you, the excitement was palpable across social media!

The Arrival of Micaela and André

On October 22, amidst the melodrama that is life, the couple joyfully announced their double bundle of joy. Yes, twins! Talk about hitting the jackpot! Although they arrived a tad early—because apparently, being fashionably late is overrated for babies—both Micaela and André are doing just fine, and thankfully, they made it through their brief stay under medical observation like total champs!

The couple captured this moment on social media—because what’s a significant life event these days without a good dose of Instagram storytelling?
Decked out in emotion, they danced their way into parenthood in a video that could make even the toughest cookie shed a tear. It’s almost like watching “Dancing with the Stars,” except the stars are tiny humans, and the dance moves are a bit awkward but filled with love. The caption, “From waiting, two stars were born,” has me shouting with joy! Bravo, Fichis, Bravo!

What does a Rainbow Baby Mean?

Now, what’s the fuss about these ‘rainbow babies’? They are the delightful miracle that blesses parents after a stormy past of loss—intended to represent hope and new beginnings. The metaphor is rich—just like the finest chocolate cake.
When a family loses a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or even neonatal death, the arrival of a rainbow baby signifies joy that comes after the clouds clear.

Fichis and Paola’s journey is inspiring and a reminder of how, despite the tragic storms, it’s possible to find that shimmering light again.
Their courage to share openly about their experiences shines a spotlight on a reality many try to keep in the dark—a conversation that, let’s be honest, needs to be had over tea and biscuits.

For couples facing similar heartaches, know that every cloudy day has its rainbow—even if some of you may need a bit more weather forecasting than others.
Stories like that of Fichis and Paola remind us that the rainbow can and will come; you just have to keep the faith, and perhaps a bit of humor, along the way.


  • Ilean Almaguer and Lucas Velásquez reveal the sex of their rainbow baby
  • Story for parents who have a rainbow baby
  • Grief for a child: why the baby is called confetti, star, rainbow and comet

The arrival of a rainbow baby It is always a cause for joy, not only for parents who have gone through the loss of a child, but also for those around them and who support them. This is the case of Sergio Castrejonbetter known as ‘Fichis’, Yuya’s brother, and his wife Paola Poulainwho recently celebrated the arrival of their rainbow babies, Micaela and André.

The story of Paola Poulain’s pregnancy

Fichis and Paola’s story is moving and reflects the realities that many couples face when it comes to starting a family. After several years of failed attempts and the painful loss of his first set of twins, The couple did not give up.

After a process of in vitro fertilization (IVF), the couple announced a few months ago that they were expecting again, which was received with great emotion by both them and their community on social networks.

Paola and Fichis had already faced a tragedy in their first pregnancy, when their two babies died shortly after birth. due to a lung infection. The couple did not hide the pain that this loss caused them, and through their social networks, they openly shared their grieving process and the desire to become parents again.

However, the arrival of Micaela and André brought with it new hope and immense joy for this couple who had fought so hard.

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The arrival of Micaela and André

On October 22, the couple announced with great emotion the birth of their children Micaela and André. Although the babies were born weeks earlier than expected, They are both in good health.despite having spent a few days under medical observation due to his premature birth.

Through their social networks, Paola and Fichis shared emotional words of gratitude to the doctors who accompanied them throughout the process, and also to their followers, who gave them unconditional support during these months.

Also read: Daughter of Mariana Rodríguez and Samuel García is a rainbow baby

The announcement was accompanied by a moving video in which Paola and Fichis can be seen in the hospital, moments before welcoming their little ones, and then returning home with them in their arms. In the video, the happy parents appear dancing and hugging their children, in a scene full of emotions.

“From waiting, two stars were born”Fichis wrote on his Instagram account, reflecting the deep happiness that both he and Paola feel for the arrival of their babies.

The post was met with a wave of messages of love and support from their followers, who have been with them throughout this difficult, but now rewarding, journey towards parenthood.

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What does a rainbow baby mean?

Micaela and André are what is known as ‘rainbow babies’, a term used to describe children born after the loss of a previous child, either by spontaneous abortion, fetal or neonatal death.

The symbolism behind this term is profound, as the rainbow is seen as a sign of hope after the storm. For parents who have suffered the devastating experience of losing a child, the arrival of a rainbow baby represents a new chance at life, joy and love.

Paola and Fichis have been an example of how, despite the pain, It is possible to find the strength to move forward and fight for your dreams of starting a family. Her decision to openly share her experience has helped raise awareness of issues such as gestational and neonatal loss, as well as the importance of emotional support and seeking professional help in these difficult times.

For many couples facing similar situations, hearing stories like Fichis and Paola’s can be a beacon of hope, reminding them that they are not alone and that, despite the storms, the rainbow can come.


Ilean Almaguer and Lucas Velásquez reveal the sex of their rainbow baby

Story for parents who have a rainbow baby

Grief for a child: why the baby is called confetti, star, rainbow and comet

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