FH Upper Austria Unveils Ambitious New Strategy to Enhance Its Distinctive Identity

FH Upper Austria Unveils Ambitious New Strategy to Enhance Its Distinctive Identity

Sharpen the content, partly by omitting things, sharpen the profile and take into account the change in demographics. That is what State Councilor Markus Achleitner expects from the new management duo of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Michael Rabl and Isolde Perndl. The two took over the management from long-time boss Gerald Reisinger at the beginning of the month; the OÖN reported on the change.

More about Gerald Reisinger’s assessment: The job machine and the uncomfortable

How the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences will position itself in the future will be worked out in a major strategy process by mid-2025, Rabl announced yesterday at a first media appearance. This strategy should then represent the guidelines until 2040.

Read also: The many construction sites for the new leadership

Achleitner emphasized the high level of research orientation, which should be maintained as an engine of innovation.

The Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (with locations in Wels, Hagenberg, Steyr and Linz) has grown to 72 courses in the 30 years of its existence. In the most recent academic year there were 1,800 graduates, and since its founding there have been more than 28,000 graduates. In a few courses, Rabl, as academic director, confirms that the number of applicants is in the single digits. “Every course was founded because there was a need,” says Rabl. It is not clear how many courses will be offered in the long term. When asked, Achleitner did not give an order of magnitude for the number of students the organization should target.

The number of students has been declining for several years. Most recently there were just under 5,500, although it was a challenge to fill the places available. Rabl points out that seven out of ten high school graduates from Upper Austria start their studies in Vienna. The Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences has succeeded in attracting foreign students. At the Wels University of Applied Sciences, a quarter of the students are from abroad. In order to attract non-German speakers to the domestic job market, they should be encouraged to learn German.

Isolde Perndl, who as commercial director is responsible for the organization and real estate of the university, will take her time before tackling the next real estate projects. It is important to analyze how the space requirement will develop.

As reported, there are major redesign plans in Hagenberg with an investment volume of 20 to 30 million euros. Perndl points out that it must first be clear whether more video rooms and fewer lecture halls are needed, or what conditions need to be created in order to be able to work in a concentrated manner – keyword air conditioning.

More about the new leadership: Duo will lead the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria from autumn


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New Leadership at ​Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences: Sharpening​ the Profile​ and Adapting to Change

The Upper Austria‌ University of Applied Sciences has entered ⁤a new era with ‍the appointment ‍of Michael Rabl‍ and ​Isolde Perndl as the new management duo.⁢ Taking over from long-time boss Gerald Reisinger, the pair has been tasked with‌ sharpening the university’s profile, adapting to demographic‌ changes, and⁢ positioning the institution for future success.

A Major Strategy Process Ahead

Rabl announced that a comprehensive strategy process⁤ will be undertaken⁢ by mid-2025, which will set the guidelines for the university until ⁣2040. This process will be crucial in‍ determining the university’s direction and focus in the coming years.

Maintaining Research⁢ Orientation

State⁢ Councilor Markus Achleitner emphasized the importance of maintaining the university’s research orientation, which⁣ has been a driving force of ⁢innovation in the region. This focus on research will continue to‌ be a key aspect of the university’s profile and identity.

A Growing ⁤Institution ‌with ⁣a Strong Track Record

The Upper⁤ Austria University of Applied Sciences has ​grown significantly over⁣ the past 30 ‍years,​ with 72 courses currently on offer ​across its four locations in Wels, Hagenberg, Steyr, and Linz. With over 28,000 graduates since its founding, ‌the university has ‍established itself ​as a ⁣reputable institution in the region. In the most recent academic year, 1,800 students graduated ⁣from the university.

Challenges⁣ in Attracting Students

However, the university ⁣has faced challenges⁤ in recent years in attracting⁣ students, with the number of‌ students declining. Rabl​ noted that seven out of ten high school graduates from Upper Austria choose to study in Vienna, making it a challenge to fill available places at the university. Nevertheless, the university has had success in attracting ⁢foreign students, with a quarter of students ⁢at⁣ the Wels ⁣campus coming from abroad.

Encouraging Language Skills

To ⁤attract non-German speakers to the domestic job market,‌ Rabl emphasized the importance of encouraging them to learn German. This will enable them‍ to integrate more easily⁢ into the local economy and contribute to the region’s growth.

Real Estate Projects on⁤ Hold

Isolde⁣ Perndl, as commercial director,‌ will take⁣ a cautious ‌approach to real‍ estate projects, focusing on analyzing the university’s space requirements before investing in new projects. This includes plans for a ⁣major redesign in Hagenberg, which will require an investment of 20 to 30 million euros.

Air Conditioning and ⁤Video Rooms: ⁢Creating ⁣the Right Environment

Perndl ‍highlighted the need to create the right​ conditions for students to work effectively, including the provision of video rooms and air conditioning. This will enable students⁣ to focus on their studies and ‌achieve their full potential.

With⁤ the new leadership duo in place, the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences is​ poised for a bright⁣ future, with a sharpened‌ profile, a strong research orientation, and⁢ a⁤ commitment to adapting to changing ​demographics​ and student needs.

Keywords: Upper ⁢Austria University of Applied Sciences, Michael Rabl, Isolde Perndl, Gerald Reisinger, Markus Achleitner, ‌research orientation, student attraction,⁢ demographic change, ⁤real‌ estate⁢ projects, strategy process.

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