Few trips leave Maracay to other cities from the terminal

|| David Marcano Duarte

They point out that the political situation negatively interfered with ticket sales

Representatives of suburban transport companies operating in the Maracay Central Terminal pointed out that the school holiday season goes unnoticed, assuring that the influx of travelers “has been the lowest in years,” even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The main reasons for this include the country’s political and social situation, “since people in an environment of such uncertainty prefer not to travel and stay at home,” said a transporter.

Marielys Monteverde, ticket seller to the east of the countrysaid that they expected a definitive reactivation of this sector after the elections, on the eve of the holiday season.

However, he said that, on the contrary, ticket sales have decreased, especially for this area. For his part, Douglas Sánchez, ticket operator at the Western Terminal, He indicated that given the significant passenger movement experienced in the dates prior to July 28, they expected it to continue through August.

He stressed that to date, they rule out the possibility of a rebound, “since the holiday period is about to end.”

As for the preference of destinations, he mentioned that the state of Táchira dominates, followed by Zulia and Mérida, which are located in the border area with Colombia and are traditionally the most sought after at any time of the year.

For the purchase of tickets, all types of payment are accepted, such as cash (bolivars or foreign currency at the BCV exchange rate of the day), mobile payment and point of sale.

Departures vary depending on the destination and the company providing the service. For example, to Maracaibo starting at 5:00 pm and Táchira at 7:00 pm.

However, for the East, transfers begin at 3:00 pm to Puerto La Cruz, Anaco, El Tigre and Maturín.

When travelling with children and minors, it is recommended to comply with certain requirements of the Organic Law for the Protection of Boys, Girls and Adolescents (Lopnna), especially when the children travel alone or in the company of one of their parents.

Authorization is an important document that guarantees the safety and well-being of children during the trip and is processed at the offices of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents.

Price list

Maracaibo $ 25

St. Barbara of Zulia $ 30

The Watchman $25

Dry Box $35

Saint Christopher $35

Puerto La Cruz $20

Piece $25

Maturin $30

The Tiger $25

St. Elena of Uairén $80

You get $40

San Felix $35

Guasipati $ 50

Tumeremo $ 70

Photos by David Marcano

#trips #leave #Maracay #cities #terminal
2024-08-13 13:15:59



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