Fernán Quirós revealed how he will face the pickets if he becomes head of the Buenos Aires Government

Launched as a pre-candidate for Buenos Aires head of government, Fernan Quiros gave an account of how he intends to address the downtown protests of the City, affirmed that the social plans should be reviewed and endorsed the use of tasers for the police officersfollowing the crime of an agent in the Retiro subway station.

Quirós, Buenos Aires Minister of Health, rejected, in dialogue with LN+that progress can be made in a direct repression of demonstrations that occur frequently in the city of Buenos Aires and was predisposed to take measures that, he said, have to be deeper to find a solution.

When there are 70,000 people with a significant number of women and children, you cannot intervene with direct violence. We must disarm the situation that leads to that place, which is to put an end to the ‘picket organization,’” Quirós told the program. +Reality.

In turn, he pointed out that, in a second step, the problem must be “visible” of the people who come to demonstrate in the center of Buenos Aires “and give them a long-term solution, other than permanent handouts”.

Quirós called for “to end the ‘picket organization'” in social protests. Ricardo Access

Quirós was aligned with Horacio Rodriguez Larreta as a presidential candidate within Together for Change, and supported his position of removing the management of government plans and benefits from social organizations. In this sense, he stated that there must be a work together enter here Nation and the City in front of the pickets.

“The expressions on Avenida 9 de Julio are, for the most part, made by people who come from the Buenos Aires suburbs. complain to the national government and that they complain regarding their policies”, he indicated in the cycle led by Jonatan Viale.

Quirós insisted that a protest cannot be easily repressed and affirmed that a picket of “20 people” is not the same as “one of 70,000”. He thus pointed out that the demonstrations must be contained, in any case, when they occur in small groups in the places of origin before they join other sectors for a massive march.

Along these lines, the Buenos Aires minister expressed a difference with social policy that the government of Mauricio Macri, between 2015 and 2019 and objected to the increase in social plans that took place during that period. “Obviously, that government left us learning that the path is not to continue holding in the same way and we have to work on that.“, he claimed.

The candidate argued that it is necessary to “build a different culture” to advance in an improvement both on that point and on others. “Without the accompaniment of a critical mass of society, it is not possible to transform Argentina. Are needed from 10 to 20 years to transform the country”, he asserted.

The Buenos Aires Minister of Health supported the use of Taser pistols in closed areas.

On the other hand, Quirós alluded to the possibility that police officers use tasers, which carry an electric shock. The debate resurfaced following the City police maribel zalazar died following a subject snatched her regulation weapon and killed her with one of the four shots he fired.

decidedly yes”, Quirós stated when asked regarding the use of Tasers. He pointed out that, if he became the head of the Buenos Aires government, he would try to “equip the entire City Police” with this type of weapons so that they are used, especially, in closed places. The Buenos Aires government has already supported this weapon on different occasions, although its use has been prosecuted.

In this sense, it endorsed its use in a situation like the one that occurred at the Retiro station that ended in the death of agent Zalazar. “The subway is an absolutely appropriate place for the use of Tasers. It is a closed space, full of people, where any intervention with a firearm is a danger to everyone.”, he explained.


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