Original title:Ferdinand:Last month Tuchel was still talking regarding a contract extension, he said that Chelsea did not get better following changing hands
Ferdinand: Tuchel was still talking regarding a contract extension last month, he said Chelsea was not better following changing hands
Live it on September 7. Manchester United star Ferdinand accepted an interview with the media. Talking regarding the news of Tuchel’s dismissal, Ferdinand expressed his views.
Ferdinand said: “I interviewed him last week, I went to Chelsea’s training ground, and I have a good relationship with Tuchel. I have one thing to say, I asked him what he thinks of the new owner, Tuchel said the club It didn’t get worse, it didn’t get better, just a new beginning, that’s what he said. Behind the scenes, it’s not perfect, he should say the new owner is fantastic, But he’s very open and candid, and I like him a lot.”
“On August 18 of this year he was still talking to Chelsea regarding a contract extension and it sank him into it, and then all of a sudden he was sacked and only played six rounds of the league. I can’t understand it, this is the new owner of the club Decisions made, they’ve set up their stalls for big changes, is that what Chelsea are doing?”
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