Fellow SOS: FPÖ distracts with false claims of links to right-wing extremism

2024-07-14 09:51:07

Attack on FPÖ archive of right-wing extremism is futile

Vienna(OTS) SOS Mitmensch has harshly criticized the FPÖ’s reaction to the publication of a dossier implicating more than 200 right-wing extremists with links to the party. According to the human rights group, the Liberal Party is trying to divert attention from the party’s deep roots in the right-wing extremist scene through false claims and defense of right-wing extremist “identitarians.”

“Unfortunately, the way the Freedom Party attacked the right-wing extremism dossier confirms the party’s worrying process of radicalization.” SOS Mitmensch spokesman Alexander Pollak said: “Freedom Party Secretary-General Hafenek is a member of the party’s A central liaison with right-wing extremist forces, he does not shy away from using blatantly false claims to inflame public opinion once morest fact files.

In a video statement on Facebook, Hafenek defended the “identitarian” group, classified as right-wing extremist by the Austrian and German offices for the protection of the Constitution, once morest “Mr. Pollack’s dirty accusations” and claimed that SOS Mitmensch’s The archives of the FPÖ’s right-wing extremist connections include only “press releases copied together”. SOS Mitmensch stresses that this is patently false and that the dossier details more than 200 right-wing extremist facts and events. Some of these facts and events also relate to Hafenek himself, such as his appearance with Götz Kubitschek, who is classified as a right-wing extremist by the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution, or the FPÖ Secretary General’s comments on classified media channels Appeared many times. Furthermore, Hafenek clearly falsely claimed in his video statement that the right-wing extremist Brotherhood does not exist and that the right-wing extremist branch of the Austrian Office for the Protection of the Constitution has been outsourced to the Austrian Resistance’s Document Archive, SOS Mitmensch reports. But in addition to the “identitarians”, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution also classified the “German National Brotherhood” as a right-wing extremist, and the outsourcing of right-wing extremist chapters claimed by Hafenek did not exist, SOS Mitmensch said it was cleared . It will not be until next autumn that a separate report on right-wing extremism appears for the first time in the Austrian Resistance Archives.

“SOS Mitmensch’s attack on the FPÖ’s dossier on right-wing extremism is futile. But any false claims made in order to divert attention from one’s own links to right-wing extremism are futile.” Pollack criticized Hafenek and FPÖ party leader Kickel. And those who defend right-wing extremist ‘identitarians’ are indicative of the immaturity of democracy.

Questions and contact information:

SOS Mitmensch, Zollergasse 15/2, 1070 Vienna
Alexander Pollack
0664 512 09 25

#Fellow #SOS #FPÖ #distracts #false #claims #links #rightwing #extremism



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