Felix Tshisekedi’s expectations of the next American president for the DRC

In a discussion hosted by the Africa Security Initiative and the Brookings Africa Growth Initiative on Wednesday, DRC President Félix Tshisekedi expressed his expectations for the next U.S. president, stressing the need for increased U.S. engagement with the DRC and Africa in general.

“There is a Democratic versus Republican competition to know who will take the presidency next November. There is a policy that is developed today, so I do not want to give the impression of criticizing it. But I still think that the approach that I am going to define here can serve those who are there at the moment, if they are re-elected, to be able to improve what they have already done and those who must arrive, if they must arrive, to be able to also study this,” declared Tshisekedi.

The Congolese president stressed the importance for American leadership to pay particular attention to Africa and more specifically to the DRC, a country he describes as having immense potential, both in terms of human and natural resources. “Charity begins at home, I would say that our country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, offers enormous guarantees of a glorious future. First of all, through its youth. We have nearly 60% of the population whose age ranges between 0 and 25 years old,” he stressed.

Tshisekedi spoke about his government’s initiatives to improve education and prepare young people for future challenges, including free basic education. He also highlighted the DRC’s ability to contribute to global solutions on issues such as food insecurity, climate change and the energy transition, thanks to its agricultural resources and strategic minerals.

The Congolese president also highlighted the crucial role of the Congo Basin, now the world’s largest lung ahead of the Amazon, in the fight against climate change.

However, Tshisekedi deplored the persistent insecurity in the DRC, exacerbated by poor management since the colonial era, and called on the United States to support the country in its efforts to regain lasting stability. “What I would ask the United States is to take a greater interest in this, to help the Democratic Republic of Congo regain permanent stability that will allow it to show what it is capable of, to also contribute with its potential, its potentialities to the problems of the world,” he said.

In conclusion, Tshisekedi called on the next American leadership to pay more attention and involvement to the challenges of the DRC and Africa in general, with a view to strengthening partnerships for mutual development.

The statement comes as the United States, under the Biden administration, has taken steps to limit military aid to Rwanda over its support for the M23 armed group, which is involved in recruiting child soldiers. The United States is also playing a key role in mediation efforts to resolve the crisis between Kinshasa and Kigali.

In November 2024, the American presidential election will see, among others, Kamala Harris, the favorite of the Democratic Party, and Donald Trump, the Republican candidate.


2024-07-25 06:06:49
#Felix #Tshisekedis #expectations #American #president #DRC



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