Feijóo rehabilitates Ayuso for the PP

Feijóo rehabilitates Ayuso for the PP

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Feijóo rehabilitates Ayuso for the PP

Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Isabel Díaz Ayuso have staged this Tuesday the moral rehabilitation of the Madrid president before the PP, by the Galician, and the support for the imminent new national leadership of the party, by Ayuso. Both have sent messages of support to the couple of thousands of people that packed the room of a central hotel in the capital where the tour of all the communities organized by Feijóo’s team before the extraordinary congress that will elevate him as president. of the PP. The act was attended, in the background, by Mayor José Luis Martínez Almeida and the still president of the party in the region, Pío García Escudero.

The new hierarchy, which has yet to be ratified in a regional congress but which few doubt, was clear even before the act began. Almeida and García Escudero waited patiently at the hotel door for the arrival, walking shoulder to shoulder, of Ayuso and Feijóo. The days in which the national leadership led by Pablo Casado dropped the name of the mayor as a possible rival of the Madrid president in the face of Ayuso’s claims to gain control of the PP in the region are over. Of course, the future president has wanted to unite both as an electoral “tandem” in the 2023 elections.

After the introductions by García Escudero and Almeida, the two regional presidents took the podium. Ayuso has praised that Feijóo has “come down to the bull” of relieving Casado, whom none of the four speakers has mentioned. Feijóo has done so in his interventions so far. But Madrid was not the most suitable square, the scene of one of the fiercest battles that are remembered on the right and that has ended with the still president confined in his office on the 7th floor of the building located at number 13 of the Madrid street from Genoa.

“You have done it at a fundamental moment, you leave everything behind,” she told him, to praise “enviable absolute majorities” that she “would already want” for herself, she added. But what Ayuso has emphasized is the pacification of the PP. “You bring us peace, it is very important at the moment”, she pointed out, to conclude: “peace in Galicia, peace in the party and peace in the centre-right”. The Madrilenian has assured that even “representatives of other parties” of the political spectrum “speak of a new stage”, in reference to the words of this same Tuesday of the leader of Vox, Espinosa de los Monteros.

Ayuso has taken the opportunity to reiterate in your proposal fake to allocate “to families” the 20,000 million of the Government’s equality plan for the next four years that she attributes to the Ministry of Equality. Also to attack Irene Montero and Pedro Sánchez. Thus, the Madrid president has launched a first message to her party, including her next president, following criticizing the coalition government’s project: “We are a national message at the service of Spain.” And he added: “We are a rearguard, a team of soldiers who are going to accompany you at this critical moment. But a team that has little patience for nonsense, little stamina for impositions. Prepared to give the best of themselves, their work, their effort, even the time to spend with their loved ones. Give everything for a worthwhile project. This is your project”.

The act has been closed by the candidate to preside over the PP, who the first thing he has done is confirm that “the electoral tandem” that he wants in May 2023 is the one made up of Ayuso and Almeida. Feijóo has shown an old image, from the 2019 campaign, of the two Madrid leaders together. In those elections, both were behind the PSOE and Más Madrid, respectively.

“I will return to live in Madrid and I will verify that it has not changed, that it is welcoming, open, prosperous and that it loves freedom. That is why I want to return to live in Madrid”, said Feijóo, who has recalled his times as a high-ranking official of the Governments of José María Aznar. The Galician president has assured that Spain “does not deserve the policy of trenches, of tribes, of hatred”. He has said it before Ayuso, who made the attacks on Madrid and comparing himself with the rest of the communities the axis of his campaign in 2019.

The future president of the PP has also sent a message in an internal key, and has warned of the usual fights in the parties to stick their heads out: “They will try to move us from the center and confront us. But if we maintain the illusion we will be able to serve the majority of the citizens, with a focused policy and with the centrality of this party”. Today, Ayuso has not asked to give “the cultural battle” once morest the left, as he did in the National Board of Directors that certified the end of Casado y in which he cried revenge.

An end caused by the very hard confrontation on account of payments to Ayuso’s brother by a company of a friend of both that contracted with the Government of Madrid. A “commission” that has not yet been explained and that is at the origin of the total rupture between those who were very good friends in Madrid: Ayuso and Casado. In fact, the brother you have received at least four payments from said companyas acknowledged by Ayuso herself, although the reason has not been clarified.

Feijóo has pointed out that it was in May 2020, when Ayuso had already been president for a year, when he changed his opinion regarding her. “I saw her in a locked room defending the Community of Madrid with an integrity, a solvency and a seriousness that left me shocked forever,” he assured. “I changed at that time because I had all the information regarding what a policy that has character is, that has responsibility and personality,” she has confessed.

The “room” in which she was “locked” were two luxury apartments whose cost and payer were not disclosed at the time. The accommodation was from the company Room Matewhich contracts with the Government of Madrid chaired by Ayuso.

“In moments of maximum stress is when you meet people,” said Feijóo, who has made a complicated comparison as former president of Insalud, which is: “The people who ask for sick leave or the people who continue to work when they are sick , reading the reports, warning that the virus is very hard, that we have to prepare ourselves to have the hospitals and that it is of the utmost importance”.

“If they insult you, it’s because they fear you,” he pointed out in reference to Ayuso before inviting the president and the mayor to do the Camino de Santiago “together” with him. Another reference to that electoral “tandem” that, at least in public, no one had questioned.



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