Fedez, the lyrics of the song and the mysterious dig: «I would like to be braver and stronger».

Fedezin the last few hours, performed at a famous nightclub in Monaco and, judging by his Instagram stories, it was an unforgettable evening. The rapper sang his hits like “Magnifico” or the brand new “Sexy Shop” – in the video for the latter he added «I can’t wait to do it at my brother Emis Killa’s concert on September 2» – and the audience went wild, danced and took some photos. On his way to the nightclub, however, Fedez posted a story in which he can be seen singing the verse of a song and his fans wondered if the words had something to do with Chiara Ferragni.

Fedez’s Instagram story

The song Fedez was singing in the car while he was on his way to the Monaco nightclub is “I Feel So” by Box Car Racer. His fans were intrigued by a specific line posted by the rapper that goes like this: “Sometimes I wish I was brave, I wish I was stronger, I wish I didn’t feel the pain, I wish I was young, I wish I was shy, I wish I was honest, I wish I was you, not me.” According to Fedez’s fans, these words could be “barbs” that, however, might have nothing to do with his now ex-wife Chiara Ferragni.

But then: who is he referring to? Maybe a new flirt, it is not known at the moment. However, the Ferragnez admirers dream of seeing them together again one day, even if, at the moment, both seem to be busy with other people.

The Ferragnez’s flirtations

This summer has been a hot one for Fedez who has been photographed with several models: first with Garance Authié, then with Sveva Magatti and, finally, with Luna Shirin Rasia. Chiara Ferragni, on the other hand, has been credited with only one flirtation which, however, has been defined as “the love of summer 2024”, namely the one with the entrepreneur Silvio Campara.

Last updated: Saturday 24 August 2024, 19:15




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