Federnuoto, Paolo Trapanese confirmed president of the Campania Committee

The lawyer Paolo Trapanese has been confirmed as president of the Campania Regional Committee of the Italian Swimming Federation. The elections took place during the Ordinary Assembly which was held at the Scandone Pool – Federal Center of Naples. Trapanese, who is in his fifth consecutive term, was the only candidate for president.

After the election of the President, the Assembly voted for the election of the Councilors and Auditors.

The following were elected:

Executive Councilors Alfonso Abate, Vincenzo Allocco, Ottorino Altieri, Raffaele Avagnano, Antonella D’Avino, Aniello Fedullo, Guglielmo Cacace, Giuseppe Esposito, Maurizio Marinella and Francesco Vespe; Athlete Advisors Fabiana Lamberti, Andrea Manzi and Andrea Scotti Galletta; Technical advisor Lorenzo Iaccarino; President of the Board of Auditors Mario Libertino; Member of the Board of Auditors Carlo Galloppi.

The representatives of 62 companies in Campania voted.

The President of Fin Nazionale, Paolo Barelli, also spoke at the Assembly.

“In recent years – said President Trapanese – we have only wanted to do beautiful things. Our objectives have been achieved in the last four years: the Albricci swimming pool, the Universiade and Scandone as a center of excellence. The credit for all this goes to our reality, to the Presidents of our Companies. The principles with which we have moved and will move over the next four years are those of a large family. We have always done it and it has always been like this.”

“Our fundamental principle – concluded Trapanese – is to educate and therefore we need to give examples of clarity and loyalty, especially for children. Our history and our tradition must be preserved.”



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