Federico Reyes Heroles: Perverse interference

Federico Reyes Heroles: Perverse interference

What is worrying is not the wickedness of the wicked, but the indifference of the good. Martin Luther King

Perversion is one step further, imagining something that a common mind would not do. However, when one imagines perversion in others, most respond with skepticism. You are exaggerating! But after five years, it is clear that AMLO and those behind him plan every move on their board with notable malice.

The “morning press conference” seemed like an unprecedented exercise in accountability. But, in a short time, it became clear that this space destroyed the normal flow of information. By imposing the agenda and making its reproduction obligatory, the media was forced to follow it. Questions planted in a manner, with coldly calculated answers, permeated the news day from morning to night. The president’s fierce criticism left and right displaced other content. Five years of non-stop bursts. During the 2024 campaign, the media tried to defend themselves by arguing that equivalent time was given to the candidates, female candidates in this case. That is without counting the time that the “morning press conferences” occupied in the news with political blows and that, despite all the warnings, they never stopped. An efficient and perverse act of interference.

Then the strategy of omission in the appointments came to light. The vacancies of the INAI commissioners were filled. The objective: to paralyze that organization. The same thing happened with the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal. The Senate simply did not fulfill its obligation. Of the seven, five remained, of which three show an alignment. Finally, a few days ago, after the Mexican Commission of Human Rights filed an injunction that caused a suspension by a federal judge, the members of the Superior Chamber agreed to go for the sixth magistrate, in accordance with what is established in the Organic Law of that power. They did not go for the seventh, why? Very simple, in case of a tie —three against three— in the presidential qualification, the casting vote could be chosen. The curious thing is that now the injured party is called Claudia Sheinbaum. All calculated to keep her without being able to “draw her line.”

When analyzing the appointments of the future cabinet, the president’s ostensible interference is clear. The healthy renewal is broken. Last week AMLO blessed his Secretary of the Interior to lead MORENA, another lock. End of discussion. But few perversities have been as evident as the intention to guarantee a qualified majority. With it they seek to modify the Constitution and impose the package announced on February 5 by AMLO.

The bombshell includes establishing an elected Judiciary. Hours after the election day, and without the district count having begun, the Secretary of the Interior herself was already talking about qualified majorities in the “morning” press conference. Decades to get the elections for the Governorship out of the way and they came back with a stroke of the pen.

That is why the statement by the Citizen Observatory, signed by very prominent jurists, former INE counselors, former magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal, is so relevant. It recalls that the Supreme Court ruled unanimously on the matter in an action of unconstitutionality: “Proportional representation is the principle of assigning seats by means of which each party or coalition is given a number of seats proportional to the number of votes cast in its favor.” Curiously, the appeal was promoted by AMLO.

The principle of proportional representation acts “as a guarantor of political pluralism” in legislative bodies. The Observatory’s “exhortation” to the current Councillors and Magistrates of the Court exposes the “technical coup d’état” that the government spoke of. They had it in mind, pure perversion.

The democratic future of 130 million, in the hands of sixteen Mexicans.

Perverse.— Mexico

Researcher and analyst

#Federico #Reyes #Heroles #Perverse #interference
2024-07-25 15:37:38



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