Federico Gutierrez’s dilemma


“Neither with you nor without you do my ills have a remedy. With you because you kill me, without you because I die, Oh neither with you nor without you…”

Neither with you, nor without you. Poor Federico Gutierrez: what saved him sunday maybe is the same thing that will sink him in the next elections.

He won the consultation of the right for the underground support of Uribismobut the inevitable official adherence of Álvaro Uribe and the Democratic Center may make his election unfeasible.

Mathematics, always as clear as it is cruel, shows incredible coincidences between the vote of ‘Fico’ and that of the Democratic Center.

On Federico Gutiérrez’s campaign:

At the national level, the Democratic Center obtained a Senate vote of one million 900 thousand, just under two million, and that of Federico Gutiérrez was 2 million 100 thousand, very close figures.

In Bogota, Federico Gutiérrez obtained 304 thousand votes and the Democratic Center 336 thousandalmost the same.

The coincidence is repeated in Cauca, where Gutiérrez obtained 22 thousand votes and the Democratic Center 20 thousand.

This portentous synchrony was also presented in Huila: ‘I stay’ 33 thousand votes, Democratic Center 34 thousand.

in Caqueta, ‘Fico’ obtained 6,700 votes and the Democratic Center 7,600.

Anyway, the enumeration might go on, but since it is difficult for this fivefold coincidence to be a simple coincidence, it is legitimate to conclude that Federico Gutiérrez won the consultation of the right for the votes of Uribismo in much of the country. Otherwise, she would have been fourth.

This love between uribismo and ‘Fico’ is like that of romance novel lovers: wonderful if kept secret, but very dangerous if it becomes public.

Just last night, a survey by the National Consulting Center, carried out for the CMI Noticentro, showed that 50 percent of Colombians believe that Álvaro Uribe’s support harms ‘Fico’.

Also read:

It’s incredible: four years ago, a photo with Uribe valued a candidate and now it devalues ​​him. The former president became a heavy cod like the one carried on the back by the fisherman of Scott’s Emulsion.

Uribe – who will be everything, but he knows a lot regarding politics – did not need a survey to tell him. Hours before the implacable result was known, he had already made it clear to the members of his party who met yesterday to evaluate the electoral results. A political summit that looked more like a funeral.

The former president, an expert in presenting things in the best way for him, decided dress grassroots supporthis and Iván Duque’s undeniable predilection for Federico Gutiérrez.

“That Federico is Uribe’s candidate, that Federico is the government’s candidate. Another thing is a decision made with the participation of 600,000 people.”

In their logic: if there isn’t a official adhesion of Álvaro Uribebut of the uribista mass, you they will never realize that ‘Fico’ is the former president’s candidate. Or the next Iván Duque, as Senator María Fernanda Cabal managed to affirm.

However, Uribe’s decision it is not to the taste of many in the Democratic Center. No politician likes to be treated as a low soup or “dark.”

Even Óscar Iván Zuluaga —remember him?, the one who he was Uribe’s candidate until 36 hours agohe let out a timid protest, almost a whisperso as not to annoy the boss.

No one might say that Óscar Iván is not obedient. He no longer needs to be given the order to carry it out. But yesterday, tired of not being the one who wears white and leads to the altar, he dared to ask that Before joining ‘Fico’, express out loud that you want the vote of Uribism:

“The third thing, president, is that who wants to have the support expresses that he wants to be with the party, because I don’t think we can do it the other way around either. How are we going to support someone if they don’t want to? Invite to the party, because a process of these would be bad. And what do I mean? That we lived it when we defined the coalition. The problem when the coalition might not be put together with our participation was the shameful position on uribismo and what that meant to some candidates”.

“The shameful position on Uribeism” defined the situation frankly by the recently ex-candidate Óscar Iván Zuluaga.

The feeling of the Uribistas is moving and the predicament of Federico Gutiérrez is distressing. Such is politics. As in ill-matched marriages, they cannot live together or apart.

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