2023-10-20 06:38:08
Due to the shortage of teachers in Austria, Federal School Spokesman Marius Hladik is in favor of shortening the teacher training course for secondary school
Vienna (OTS) – The lack of teaching staff in Austria’s schools is already noticeable in the classrooms in some cases. The BMBWF’s “Class Job” initiative trains career changers and thus offers a quality assurance measure that counteracts this deficiency. In the long term, however, the teaching profession and studies must become more attractive once more and become more popular, especially among young people.
“The use of career changers compensates for the deficit in teaching staff in some areas, but the education system cannot be maintained in the long term through this measure. Developmental psychology knowledge and specialist knowledge are a teacher’s most important tools. In the long run, the specialist knowledge of a career changer does not compensate for the knowledge of developmental psychology required for an entire teacher training course. There needs to be a fundamental reform and shortening of studies, the teaching profession must become attractive once more for young people,” says Marius Hladik.
The federal school spokesman calls for a structure like other common studies, consisting of three years of bachelor’s degree and two years of master’s degree. It also stands for a closer connection between theory and practice and an expansion of the possibility of part-time study.
“Problems cannot be solved without compromise. If you want to increase the attractiveness of the profession, you also have to accommodate interested parties. By shortening and linking theory and practice more closely, measures would be taken that would increase the attractiveness of the profession once more. Completing the course while working allows students to acquire valuable academic qualifications without interrupting their current professional career,” argues the federal school spokesman.
With over 30,000 members, the student union is the largest student organization in Austria in which the members volunteer. Thanks to its wide range of services, such as the school legal emergency hotline and various further training courses, it is considered an important contact point for students. In addition, she brings her demands to the Federal Student Representative Council (BSV), in which she holds 27 of 29 mandates in the 2023/24 school year. The incumbent federal school spokesman, Marius Hladik, also comes from the student union.
Questions & Contact:
David Herzleier
Press spokesman for the student union
+43 660 6819812
#Federal #school #spokesman #shortening #teacher #training