2023-10-26 18:29:51
Windows 12 had some of its features revealed during the Snapdragon Summit, a Qualcomm event. During the presentation, the new Snapdragon X Elite was revealed, a chipset developed for PCs that will compete with Apple Silicon. To develop it, Qualcomm says it had help from Microsoft, which made it possible to optimize the hardware to run the next version of Windows.
Windows 12 will have context-aware AI integration
Windows 12 features revealed during Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Summit. Source: Oficina da Net
Although Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, did not specifically mention “Windows 12”, there were several moments where features that are in development for the next generation of the operating system were shown. The first of these was context recognition through AI (artificial intelligence). According to Satya, the integration of generative AI into Windows will transform the experience that users have with computers.
The AI generation has the potential to be as big as the mobile revolution, the cloud revolution, the web and the PC, that class. I think fundamentally if you think regarding what the dream of computing has always been, can you make interfaces much more human-friendly, much more natural? Can you increase human capacity with computing? It all starts with language, but is quickly moving beyond that. This will fundamentally change what an operating system is, what a user interface looks like, how an application interacts. Therefore, UI change is always big, and this is a big UI change.
Many AI capabilities and applications will utilize hybrid computing
During the Qualcomm event presentation, Satya talked regarding changing the way we reason to use the computer. By using something like Copilot, an AI-powered assistant, you can combine local resources, applications and files with cloud processing to create new commands and content, creating a more natural user interface (UI).
The other is that we now have a new reasoning mechanism. Whenever you use something like Github Copilot, it’s a completely new thing: having a wizard that you can reason regarding and help you build. So with these two things, a reasoning engine and a new natural UI, practically every category of software can be changed.
Unite local resources, applications, and files with cloud processing on Windows. Source: Qualcomm
Many AI capabilities and applications will utilize hybrid computing
Continuing the reasoning from the previous topic, we might see during the Qualcomm event that hybrid processing is essential, as not all PCs can process AI locally. In fact, computers and cell phones of the next generations will have NPU chips (Neural Processing Unit) precisely to meet this demand. In this way, systems like Microsoft Copilot will help to universalize AI, as tools powered by artificial intelligence will not need to use all of the hardware’s resources to deliver the result. Satya Nadella explains regarding this saying:
There’s a new generation of AI PCs being created, so the work we’re doing together will bring together these experiences that can’t be done without a new system architecture. And the outstanding experience for us will be Copilot. When Windows was created, we had the Start button. Copilot is like the Start button. So, for example, I go there and express my intention, and it takes me to an app or brings the app to Copilot. So it helps me learn, consult, create and completely change user habits.
With this statement, it is possible to understand that in Windows 12, the “Start” button will no longer be of great importance for carrying out basic tasks in the operating system. Instead, the user will simply type or speak what they want to do and Windows AI (artificial intelligence) will draw the path or deliver the intended result.
What will hybrid computing bring in practice to end users and companies?
In the presentation we were also able to hear the speech of the Vice President of Windows + Devices, Pavan Davuluri, who explained how hybrid computing will benefit the end user and companies in practice.
I would say it’s all regarding synergy between the cloud and the customer. For us, powerful NPUs like the one we’re building will work well in the Windows 11 AI ecosystem we’re creating for developers to build and create what we think. as hybrid applications. Hybrid AI applications that leverage on-premises compute and Azure compute. To me, this has many advantages: improved privacy, cost savings, latency benefits, performance optimizations, and this notion of extended personalization.
Advantages of hybrid computing brought by Windows. Source: Qualcomm
Pavan also gives examples of experiences that will be possible to have in the next version of Windows:
As we think regarding the future of these Windows devices, you’ll be able to personalize every interaction. AI will be able to orchestrate multiple applications, services and devices, functioning as an agent in your life that can connect and maintain context across entire workflows.
Like AI as an application, Copilot can be used on different devices and will integrate with each other, offering even more possibilities for managing, querying and creating information.
Microsoft Copilot can be used on different devices in addition to Windows PCs, including cell phones and tablets. Source: Qualcomm
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