Fears of a possible Trump presidency affect Mexico’s southern border – 2024-07-28 07:55:06

Business organizations expressed concern after Trump’s proposals at the recent Republican Party Convention, where he said that if he won next November will impose tariffs on Mexican products, deport undocumented immigrants en masse and close the border with Mexico.

Although it seems far away, There will be repercussions in Tapachulathe main city on the border between Mexico and Central America, which has become the epicenter of regional migration and which the Mexican government seeks to convert into an industrial zone focused on international trade.

Solo On the southern border, he estimated that there are about 2 thousand established businesses in cities such as Tapachula, Tuxtla Chico, Metapa, Frontera Hidalgo and Ciudad Hidalgo that could be affected.

The impact on the Mexican economy

Trump’s trade protectionism and The revision of the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) is worrying to the president of the Group of Merchants and Businessmen of the Center of Tapachula, César García Jiménez.

We are going to have big problems regarding the economy and migrants.. Economically, he wants to increase tariffs on Mexican products, something just happened with avocados, is able to prohibit the avocado from passing“, the trade representative said.

“Unfortunately, It will impact not only our economic activity, but also all types of activities.“, he expressed Carlos Carrascopresident of the Southern Border Gastronomic Tourist Corridor.

If former President Trump (2017-2021) returns to the White Houseimmigration restrictions in the United States would cause migrants to be trapped in Mexico, particularly on its southern border, the business leader warned.

Adding to the uncertainty of the situation, on Tuesday, July 23, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, explained that he would wait “to see how things turn out after the elections” in the United States before moving forward with the construction of the factory, planned for Monterrey, reported the Voice of America.

He added that Musk said the reason is that Republican candidate Donald Trump “has said he will put heavy tariffs on vehicles produced in Mexico, so there is no point in investing heavily in Mexico if that is going to be the case.”

AMLO’s position regarding the impacts on the economy

In the face of concerns, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador has asked “not to be alarmed” for Trump’s statements, considering them to be part of the campaign.

“I have already kindly expressed this in a letter to (former) President Trump. These are election times and anywhere in the world, where there are elections, The rhetoric is exacerbated, more is said than necessary and there is too much passion,” he said in his morning press conference on Friday, July 26.

He also recalled the Republican’s 2016 election campaign, which took him to the White House, where he used “statements of this type.”

However, He added that “time passed,” the current president of Mexico settled in the National Palace and Trump “began to moderate himself, to change.”something that made both leaders “understand each other well.”

Despite everything, the migration problem does not diminish

From now on, with the pressures of the current US president, Joe Biden, the Irregular migration intercepted by Mexico has risen by nearly 650% so far this yearwhen the government intercepted a record of nearly 1.4 million migrants from January to May.

With Trump possibly returning to power, migrants stranded in Tapachula fear that abuses against them will increase.

“It’s a terrible thing because we went through the jungle and hunger and there are many people raped and killed and we don’t deserve that, we deserve support, better,” she told EFE Ecuadorian Gladys.

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