fear of washing

An irrational fear of bathing can lead to physical and psychological health complications. It also has repercussions at the social level.

Ablutophobia: the fear of bathing

Last update : 19 mars, 2023

While for some people taking a bath can be very relaxing, for others it can be a real torture. This is called “ablutophobia”, the irrational fear of bathing, a rare but serious phobia that can affect a person’s day-to-day functioning.

It occurs more frequently in women and children, although it can also affect men. In addition, it is included in the subcategory of specific phobias, which in turn correspond to an anxiety disorder. How does it manifest? What is the treatement ? We answer these questions below.

What is ablutophobia?

Ablutophobia is a type of specific phobia in which people experience an irrational fear of bathing or washing. These types of phobias involve both fear and avoidance.

In this particular case, those who suffer from it experience excessive fear, anxiety, panic or anxiety when they have to bathe or wash. They even find it overwhelming just to think regarding it. They may even feel anxious upon seeing soaps, sponges, towels, or anything associated with bathing.

And although avoidance becomes a means of reducing the severity of distress, it is not the best option. Visiting the bathroom is an essential habit, not only for hygienic and social reasons, but also for health. Avoiding this can lead to the development of infectious diseases and skin disorders.

It must be considered that children do not like the bathroom. However, it is not a phobia. For a case to be classified as ablutophobia, the American Psychiatric Association specifies that the symptoms must persist for more than six months.

Ablutophobia is more common in children and women.

Associated symptoms

Ablutophobia shares its symptoms with phobias in general, beyond the fact that its particular characteristic is the rejection of the bathroom. Symptoms, associated with fear, involve activation of the sympathetic nervous system. These are the following:

  • Transpiration
  • Tachycardia
  • accelerated breathing
  • Blood pressure elevation
  • Tremors
  • Headache
  • panic attacks

It is necessary to mention certain particular behaviors of the people who are afraid to bathe. It is common for them to use large amounts of perfume and avoid being around other people. They may also chew gum excessively.

The causes of ablutophobia

The origin of phobias – and in this particular case of ablutophobia – can be diverse. For this reason, it is important to work with the patient to piece together the history and onset of symptoms.

For example, it may relate to trauma caused by one’s own accident (the direct negative experience), such as drowning. It can also be due to someone else’s experience, such as hearing or witnessing a tragic event, such as a fall in the bathtub, an accident in water, etc.

Badós (2009) also mentions a third mode, which concerns the transmission of threatening information in relation to the phobic object. However, it is the least potent when it comes to developing phobia.

It is important to take into account that with the combination of two or more modes interacting with each other, the emergence of phobia is possible.

Some studies suggest that genetic components are also involved, as it is more likely to have a specific phobia in a family that has one or more members who already suffer from it.

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Possible complications

In principle, it should be clarified that not all phobias are treated, because not all of them impact people’s lives in the same way.

Those who suffer from arachnophobia (to spiders) are surely less affected than those who suffer from agoraphobia. And not because their discomfort is less, but because of the low probability of contact with the trigger of the phobia.

In the case of ablutophobia, since what is directly affected is personal hygiene, complications occur in all areas of life. First at the social and interpersonal level, since body image and hygiene are considered as a motivation letter.

Then, in terms of health, since the lack of personal hygiene favors the spread of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that cause illness. Indeed, there is an increased risk of skin infections, digestive problems, respiratory disorders, hair problems, among others.

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Available treatments

If symptoms are interfering with daily life, it is important to see a mental health professional to seek viable treatment.

It must be taken into account that some people with ablutophobia do not know that they have this phobia. Many may choose to isolate themselves or engage in avoidance behaviors before seeking help. However, it is a condition that can be treated with psychotherapy.

In this case, cognitive behavioral therapy has shown good results. Techniques such as systematic desensitization are regularly recommended. It consists of a gradual exposure to the stimulus or the phobic object.

In an environment that allows a gradual approach to the source of the phobia, the patient can face their fear with the tools necessary to manage it.

And since the phobia can be learned, it also works with cognitive biases regarding what people believe can happen to them. This with the aim of advancing towards a cognitive restructuring; the patient must be able to identify maladaptive thoughts to replace them with more appropriate ones.

Progressive muscle relaxation, through muscle tension-release, is also part of the first treatment sessions.

Fear is adaptive, phobia is not

Finally, we can return to the starting point; Phobias are an intense and excessive fear. When considering when a fear stops being just a fear and becomes a phobia, it’s important to consider how maladaptive it is and how much it limits us.

Fear is a basic emotion and as such it is adaptive. It allows us to run away from those situations that we don’t like. However, when it becomes uncontrollable and irrational, it is called a phobia.

Not all phobias have the same possibility of bothering us, but if they interfere with routine, as is the case with ablutophobia, it is recommended to seek professional help.

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