Fear of Corona virus, Twitter announced to close its offices

Fear of Corona virus, Twitter announced to close its offices

Microblogging website Twitter has announced the closure of its offices around the world due to the fear of the Corona virus.

The dangerous corona virus that emerged from China in December last year has so far spread to 123 countries of the world, from which the number of infected people has reached 1 lakh 26 thousand 420, out of which 60 thousand 314 people have recovered. while 4 thousand 636 patients have died.

While yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also declared the corona virus that spread from the city of Wuhan in China as a global epidemic.

Due to the fear of corona virus which is spreading rapidly all over the world, the management of Twitter has closed all its offices around the world and instructed all the employees to work from home.

According to the Twitter management, previously all employees in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea were instructed not to come to the office and work from home, but due to the fear of the spread of Covid-19, this step was taken for all offices. has gone
Twitter management said that the employees’ contracts, working hours and other services will be paid in the same way as it was being paid in offices.

The company says that the expenses incurred by the employees in working from home will also be paid, as well as the expenses incurred by the parents to take care of the employees. will do

In view of the threat of the spread of Covid-19, other technology firms including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Google have also closed their offices in some countries, while Twitter announced the closure of 4,900 offices around the world. is

#Fear #Corona #virus #Twitter #announced #close #offices
2024-09-02 11:55:13



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