“Fear of an attack”: 22-year-old knocked drunk unconscious

2023-06-23 05:54:00

Previously, the visibly drunk 36-year-old Hungarian from Steyr had accosted several passers-by at the “Am Römerfeld” bus stop. At around 9:30 p.m., the 22-year-old Croatian from the Linz-Land district drove a black car to the bus stop parking lot and hit the Hungarian in the face with his fist. He then fell to the ground and lay unconscious. Two witnesses rushed to help the injured man, who was then taken to the Steyr hospital with the rescue.

Meanwhile, the Croatian got back into his car and drove away. A short time later he turned himself in to the police station in Enns and confessed. He stated that he had struck out of fear that the drunk would attack him. The 22-year-old is shown.


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#Fear #attack #22yearold #knocked #drunk #unconscious

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