FDP politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann accuses generals of “buzzing around”.

Harsh criticism of the Bundeswehr leadership comes from the chair of the defense committee. Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann demands more clarity from the officers.

The chairwoman of the Defense Committee in the Bundestag, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, calls for more openness from the Bundeswehr generals in the Defense Ministry. “Personally, I would like the generals in the ministry to have significantly more clarity and less fluff,” said the FDP politician to the “Welt” (Monday).

The generals were reluctant to commit themselves to parliament, she criticized. “In the field, military leaders give orders that are succinct and understandable. When dealing with politics, it’s bad habit to keep 23 emergency exits open or to tease the house management.” That’s pretty unbearable.

“We need clear military advice”

“The Bundeswehr is a parliamentary army,” emphasized Strack-Zimmermann. “In addition to the political assessment of the ministry, we parliamentarians also need clear military advice in order to be able to form an opinion.” Under Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD), she expects a new culture of openness, “more gossip in military advice – and less messing regarding, shaped by the fear: who might I upset with my statements now, and what does that mean for my career? “


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