FdI soars and Pd in ​​free fall –

If in France the results of the second round of the legislative elections were a real surprise, in Italy they are only confirmations. As happens every Monday, during the 8pm edition of the La7 news, Enrico Mentana showed the results of the latest poll conducted by Swg. This week the voting orientation of Italians sees Fratelli d’Italia rising by 0.2% and the 5 Star Movement by 0.3%, which stand at 29.2 and 10.6% respectively. The same percentage is lost both by the Democratic Party, which falls to 23.3%, and by the League, which falls to 8.4%. The party led by Prime Minister Meloni, therefore, continues to rise.

Confirmation: record turnout in France. It hasn't happened for a long time

Stability instead for the party led by Antonio Tajani, Forza Italia (8.5%), and the Greens and Left (7%). Among the smaller parties, Azione and +Europa drop by 0.1%. And stop respectively at 3.4% and 1.9%. Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva, instead, gains 0.2% and therefore rises to 2.1%. The political force Peace Earth and Dignity remains stable. Noi Moderati conquers +0.1% and Sud Chiama Nord loses -0.1%.

#FdI #soars #free #fall #Tempo
2024-07-10 21:54:32



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