FBI classifies shooting of Trump as attempted murder

Status: 14.07.2024 08:07

Former US President Donald Trump was slightly injured by gunfire during a campaign appearance. One man died from the bullets. The FBI categorizes the act as attempted murder. The suspected shooter has been identified.

A man fired shots at former US President Donald Trump during a campaign event in the US state of Pennsylvania. Trump said he was injured in the ear. A man close to Trump was killed. Two other event attendees were also injured. The suspected perpetrator was killed by security forces. The US Federal Police (FBI) classifies the events as an “attempted assassination” once morest Donald Trump.

FBI agent Kevin Rojek announced this at a press conference in Butler, where the rally took place. George Bivens of the Pennsylvania Police Department assured the public that there was “no reason” to fear any continuing threat.

Trump slightly injured

Shortly following former President Trump began his appearance, the shots were fired. The Republican was injured. Photos showed blood on the side of his head. Secret Service officers quickly moved Trump to the ground for his safety and eventually escorted him to a secure location. Trump’s campaign communications director, Steven Cheung, later announced that Trump was fine and was being examined by medical professionals. He was subsequently released from the hospital.

Meanwhile, Trump’s plane landed in Newark, New Jersey. A video shared by Trump’s campaign team on social media shows him leaving the plane on foot – surrounded by Secret Service agents and other armed security forces. Trump plans to spend the night in New Jersey at his own golf club.

Trump: “Was hit in the ear”

Shortly following the incident, Trump reported on his internet platform Truth Social. He stated that he had been hit in the ear by a bullet. “I knew immediately that something was wrong because I heard a hissing sound, gunshots and immediately felt the bullet penetrating the skin,” the 78-year-old wrote. He called it “unbelievable that such an act might happen in our country.”

Perpetrator has been identified

Police have confirmed that the shooter was neutralized. Authorities indicate that the perpetrator is a 20-year-old man from Pennsylvania. NBC and CBS reported, citing the FBI, that the shooter was Thomas Matthew C. from Bethel Park. According to the Secret Service, the shooter fired the shots “from an elevated position” outside the rally site.

The police stated that their top priority was to determine the perpetrator’s motive. They are also investigating whether any other individuals were involved. The investigation might take days, weeks, or even months.

Following the attack, security measures were also heightened in other parts of the country, including around Trump Tower.

Trump wants to be nominated on Monday

The appearance marked Trump’s final campaign event before the Republican Party Convention in Milwaukee, which begins on Monday. At the convention, Trump is scheduled to be formally chosen as the party’s presidential candidate.

Trump’s campaign team said the convention will proceed as planned. They added that Trump is looking forward to “seeing you all in Milwaukee”. The 78-year-old is expected to run once morest incumbent President Joe Biden for the White House.

This is an example of a div element with an id attribute. The id attribute is used to uniquely identify an HTML element. This allows you to target the element using CSS or JavaScript.


This is some content inside the div element.


The `id` attribute is essential for styling, scripting, and accessibility purposes, and it should be used strategically:

* **Unique Identifiers:** Each `id` should be unique within the entire HTML document. Using the same `id` for multiple elements can lead to unexpected behavior and errors.
* **Descriptive Names:** Use descriptive names for `id` attributes that reflect the element’s purpose and content. For example, `navigation-menu`, `product-details`, or `contact-form`.
* **Accessibility:** `id` attributes are crucial for accessibility. Screen readers use them to identify elements and navigate through web pages.

## Using `id` with CSS

You can use the `id` attribute in CSS to target specific elements for styling.

#my-div {
background-color: lightblue;
padding: 20px;
border: 1px solid gray;

This CSS code targets the div element with the `id` of `my-div` and applies a light blue background color, padding, and a gray border.

## Using `id` with JavaScript

JavaScript can also use the `id` attribute to interact with HTML elements.

const myDiv = document.getElementById(“my-div”);
myDiv.innerHTML = “This content has been updated using JavaScript.”;

This code snippet uses `document.getElementById()` to select the div element with the `id` of `my-div`. It then updates the element’s content using `innerHTML`.

## Using `id` with ARIA

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes are used to enhance the accessibility of web content for users with disabilities. The `id` attribute plays a crucial role in ARIA by providing a unique identifier for elements that can be referenced by other ARIA attributes:

* **`aria-labelledby`:** This attribute is used to associate an element’s label with another element, typically a `div` with an `id`.
* **`aria-describedby`:** Similar to `aria-labelledby`, this attribute associates an element’s description with another element, usually a `div` with an `id`.
* **`aria-controls`:** This attribute is used to indicate that an element controls the state or presentation of another element, which might be a hidden menu or a pop-up, and is often referenced by its `id`.

## Best Practices for Using `id`

Here are some best practices for using the `id` attribute:

* **Avoid using IDs for all elements:** While `id` is useful for specific elements, avoid using it for every element on a page. Consider using classes for styling and scripting when appropriate.
* **Validate your HTML:** Ensure your HTML is correctly written and validates using a validator, such as the W3C validator, to avoid errors related to `id` attribute usage.
* **Be mindful of accessibility:** Using `id` correctly improves accessibility and ensures that assistive technologies can interact with your web content effectively.
* **Use a consistent naming convention:** Choose a consistent naming convention for your `id`s to make your code more readable and maintainable.

## Conclusion

The `id` attribute is a powerful tool for identifying and interacting with HTML elements. By understanding its purpose and following these best practices, you can use `id` effectively to create well-structured and accessible websites.



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