FBI arrests producer Ángel del Villar for links with drug traffickers

Mexican grupera music producer Villar’s Angel was arrested by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation, for its acronym in English) accused of violating the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, -known as the Kingpin Act- following doing business with Jesus Perez Alvearmusic promoter of artists such as Gerardo Ortiz and who is linked by Washington with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

Del Villar was arrested yesterday in Los Angeles by FBI agents along with his partner Luca Scalisiaccording to the United States Department of Justice, accused of conspiring to organize concerts with Pérez Alvear, owner of gallistics Diamanteand who, according to the US government, has financial ties to the cartel led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, The Mencho.

The music industry executives made their respective opening appearances Tuesday followingnoon at the United States District Court in downtown Los Angeles. The judge ordered Del Villar’s release on $100,000 bail and Scalisi’s on $35,000 bail. His arraignments have been scheduled for July 20.

Del Villar, executive director of From Records and its subsidiary talent agency Del Entertainment y ScalisiCFO of Del Entertainmentare named in a criminal complaint charging them with conspiracy to transact with specially designated drug traffickers in violation of the Kingpin Act.

According to the Department of Justice, in collusion with Del Villar and Scalisi, Pérez promoted concerts in different cities in Mexico to Del Entertainment until March 2019, even though your company gallistics Diamante they are blacklisted by the Treasury Department, which prevents people in the United States from doing business with them.

In April 2018, the Treasury Department designated within its black list of drug traffickers Jesus Perez Alvear and his company Gallística Diamante, for laundering money for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and its financial arm, Los Cuinis. Other artists he represents include Gerardo Ortiz and, at the time, he was linked to Julión Álvarez, who always denied having a relationship with the promoter.

The US government detected that through Gallística Diamante, “Chucho Pérez”, how do they know Pérez Alvear, laundered money from drug trafficking by mixing it with income related to concerts and musical events in Aguascalientes and the State of Mexico.

According to the United States government, Gallistic Diamond He had the protection of the Jalisco Cartel, which exercises violence to carry out its events in exchange for operating in its favor.

The complaint also affects Mexican artists; As explained by the Department of Justice, on April 19, 2018, FBI agents approached a “well-known musician in Mexico,” named in the complaint as Individual A, who was warned that he might not do business with Pérez because he had Links to Mexican drug traffickers.

However, once morest the law and with potential legal implications, this Mexican artist – whose identity has not been disclosed – ignored the warnings from the FBI and traveled from California on a plane that was rented by Del Villar to perform at concerts in Aguascalientes. , Baja California, Chiapas and Guanajuato, all promoted by Pérez.

If convicted of violating the Kingpin Act, Del Villar and Scalisi would face up to 30 years in federal prison. While Pérez would face a sentence of up to 10 years in federal prison.

The FBI announced that Perez’s current whereregardings are unknown at this time, but he is believed to be residing in Mexico, and encouraged anyone with information on his whereregardings to contact the FBI’s field office in Los Angeles at ( 310) 477-6565.




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