FBI and Interpol tell how to avoid them

Criminals are increasingly looking for ways to make money without effortand operate through tricksusing as a hook the emotions of their victimsso the Interpol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI its acronym in English), warn about romantic or love frauds and scams on the Internet, which are the most popular with criminals, including to recruit people for trafficking.

In this context, cybercriminals called scammer (in English referring to scams carried out by electronic means) take advantage of dating applications to find victims.

What is a love or romance scam (romance scam)?

A romance scam (or online dating scam) involves tricking someone into a false romantic relationship by using a false identity to lure victims.

When a person shows interest, the Scammer will gain your trust and uses the illusion of a romantic or close relationship to manipulate and/or steal from the victim asking for money or until you get enough personal information to steal bank accounts or identity.

How to spot a romance scam?

Usually love scammers use a very poorly developed social media profile, They want to move quickly In the relationship, gaining the victim’s affection and trust, but with lies; in addition They refuse to meet in person or make video calls.

Don’t forget that criminals who carry out romance scams are experts at what they do and will appear genuine, affectionatecredible and They abound on most dating sites and social networks.

They can even propose marriage. and make plans to meet in person, but that will never happen. In the end they will ask you for money.

Examples of romantic stay

For example, cybercriminals may say they are in the construction industry and are involved in projects far from your city, or in the US.

That makes it easy to avoid meeting in person and more understandable when They ask for money for a medical emergency or unexpected legal fees.

If someone you meet online needs your bank account information to deposit money, chances are they are using your account to carry out other scam schemes. theft and fraud.

How to spot a fake dating profile?

Scammers must create a credible identity across different platforms, but keep their online profiles minimal.

However, many scammer profiles follow a similar format, which can help you spot a romance or catfishing scam.

A attractive profile picture is crucial for imposters to attract their victims. They often use Images of people who stand out for their beauty or actors and models that are manipulated with Photoshop or AI.

  • Very few photos in the profileRomance scammers’ photos are often a dead giveaway: Fake dating profiles often have just a few, professional-looking photos. Many avoid personal photos, preferring to show pictures of hobbies or animals.
  • Few friendsIf someone contacts you on social media and has a suspiciously low number of connections, friends, or followers, that may be a sign that you’re dealing with a scammer.
  • They live far away from you. Los romantic or loving scammers They often claim to have jobs that keep them abroad for long periods or in cities far from yours.

How can you avoid romance scams? Recommendations from the FBI and Interpol

  • The Interpol recommends being cautious if someone you don’t know contacts you, especially if they end up asking for money.
  • Do not reveal personal or confidential information on social media
  • He FBI also suggests that investigate the photo and profile of the person using web search tools to see if the photo or profile has been used elsewhere.
  • Take your time in the relationship and ask lots of questions.
  • Be careful if the person It seems too perfect or if he or she asks you to leave the online dating service or Facebook to chat through other methods.
  • Be careful if the individual promises meet in person, but then he gives you an excuse and cancels the dateIf you haven’t met the person after a few months, for whatever reason, you have good reason to be suspicious.
  • Be careful what you see online. Scammers can use details shared on social media and dating sites to better understand and target you.
  • Always ask lots of questions.
  • Be careful If people try to isolate you from friends and relatives or requests photographs o financial information inappropriate information that could later be used to extort you.
  • If you haven’t met the person after a few months, for whatever reason, you have good reason to be suspicious.
  • Never send money anyone you’ve only communicated with online or over the phone.

#FBI #Interpol #avoid
2024-07-24 05:25:00



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