Fauna and flora found around the bridge over the Monday River are rescued

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications is carrying out wildlife rescue work as part of the construction of the bridge over the Monday River in Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná department. This initiative responds to the environmental and social commitments of the project, with the aim of reducing the ecological impact in the region.

The construction of this bridge is part of the Eastern Metropolitan Corridor (CMDE); this work will improve the connection between Presidente Franco and Los Cedrales and is a fundamental part of the access to the Integration Bridge that connects Presidente Franco with Foz de Iguazú, Brazil.

A specialised team carries out regular patrols in the area of ​​influence of the work to identify species that may be affected. Activities include bird watching, searching for footprints and sightings in key areas, such as forest fragments and nearby reserves.

Once identified, the species are assessed and suitable sites for relocation are carefully selected, ensuring that environmental conditions are similar to the original ones.

These actions reflect the MOPC’s commitment to environmental protection and the conservation of local biodiversity, integrating these considerations into infrastructure projects.

Project Details

The Monday Consortium, made up of the Heisecke SA Construction Company and Construpar SA, is in charge of the construction of this bridge, which is part of the Eastern Metropolitan Corridor (CMDE). The works are supervised by the JYI Consortium and have a completion period of 18 months.

The walkway will be 500 metres long and 26.5 metres wide with four lanes, two in each direction. It will also have a pedestrian crossing protected by a one-metre F-type railing and metal anti-suicide barriers.

This work will improve the connection between Presidente Franco and Los Cedrales, being a fundamental part of the access to the Integration Bridge that connects Presidente Franco with Foz de Iguazú, Brazil.

For questions and more information, the Monday Consortium’s work camp offers an open office, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. They also have an exclusive helpline, which is (0994) 688 531.

#Fauna #flora #bridge #Monday #River #rescued
2024-08-17 00:54:47



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