Fatigue is related to fatty liver

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Von: Natalie Hull Drawbar

In many cases, a diseased liver is not clearly noticeable to those affected for a long time. However, persistent exhaustion with fatigue is a typical accompanying symptom of fatty liver and other diseases.

Approximately 20 million people in Germany live with fatty liver disease that cannot be attributed to alcohol consumption, according to the professional association of resident gastroenterologists in Germany. V. (bng). Non-alcoholic fatty liver is now widespread, and the trend is rising. Fatty liver disease, caused by drinking too much alcohol, affects far fewer people. The fatal thing with both diseases, alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver, is that many of those affected do not know anything regarding their diseased liver because they do not show any clear symptoms or do not attribute possible symptoms to liver disease.

24vita.de reveals why exhaustion and severe tiredness are characteristic symptoms of fatty liver.

Fatigue with severe tiredness is indeed a symptom often described by patients with a fatty liver, but is still under-associated with the liver. © Shingo/Tosha/AFLO/Imago

A healthy liver can normally break down fat and thereby generate energy. However, due to its dysfunction, a diseased liver can use fewer or no nutrients such as fat and carbohydrates and can therefore no longer provide sufficient energy that the body needs for its daily activities. As a result, sufferers feel tired and exhausted.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions regarding clinical pictures.



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