Father’s Heartbreaking Testimony: Grieving Father Shares Tragic Story of Daughter Killed by Hamas

2023-10-13 10:12:00

A grieving father, whose little daughter was killed by Hamas, testified on CNN. Emily, 8 years old, went to sleep at a friend’s house that famous night from Friday to Saturday, October 7. His house was located four kilometers from the Gaza Strip, in Kibbutz Beeri, where Hamas opened fire around 7 a.m. that Saturday. Thomas Hand then did not hear from his child for 48 hours. Long, terrible hours of anguish, during which he worried to learn that his little daughter was hostage to terrorists.

When the IDF soldiers told him, two days later, that they had found Emily dead, Thomas Hand let out a loud “Yes!” of relief. “I smiled, because it was the best outcome among the possibilities I knew. She was either dead or in Gaza. And if you knew what they are doing to the people of Gaza, it’s worse than death…” he told CNN in tears. “So his death was a blessing. An absolute blessing.”

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