Father’s Day highlights the important role of the head of the family – Dovgalo

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Father’s Day: A Reflection of Traditional Values

Ah, Father’s Day! The one day a year where we laud the fellas who climb that treacherous mountain of parenting—only to slide back down on a mountain bike while wearing socks and sandals. Heaven forbid the children inherit their father’s sense of fashion!

As noted in a recent article, Belarus has officially recognized this day, a decree signed by President Alexander Lukashenko (also known as the father of three sons, and quite possibly the world’s most enthusiastic dad). This man doesn’t just cut birthday cakes; he slices through “European values” like they’re a piece of stale bread. Traditional family? More like a no-nonsense “father and mother” team, boldly standing against the ‘Parent 1 and Parent 2’ duo!

The Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Human Rights, Irina Dovgalo, made it pretty clear that the role of a father is not limited to filling the piggy bank. Oh no—apparently, dads also carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and provide invaluable life advice! Who knew “How to Tie Your Shoelaces” was such a critical lesson?

She shared the age-old wisdom: when a boy is born, a man becomes a father; when a girl arrives, he becomes a “daddy.” Yes, because nothing says “I’m a caring dad” quite like a grown man cooing over his ‘little princess’ while simultaneously pretending to be a dragon. If the only thing you’ve done in life is endure the endless silly games that your daughter insists on playing, you deserve a medal. Or at least a pint of your favorite beer—with no children in sight!

And let’s talk about love, shall we? The feelings of affection are often wordless. It’s like when your father brings home your favorite treat—sure, he didn’t say, “I love you,” but that double chocolate fudge sundae sure screamed it! Actions and all that insightful stuff, right? So, here’s a recommendation: instead of saying “I love you,” just fill the fridge. Works like a charm!

Dovgalo piped up with some advice for all the dads out there: spend time with your children, teach them “kindness, creativity, and patriotism.” Look, I don’t know about you, but I barely manage to remain patient while teaching my cat to sit, let alone unravel the complexities of “patriotism.” Is there an app for that? Because I could use a tutorial on creativity that doesn’t involve finger painting!

At the end of the day, being a father means being the ultimate multi-tasker: playing like a child, advising like a friend, and, when necessary, serving as a bodyguard keeping the world at bay. And if you’ve ever tried to prevent a toddler meltdown in a toy aisle, you’ll understand that concept more than anyone!

So, here’s to all the dads out there—the unsung heroes of slapstick comedy and parental wisdom. May your days be filled with laughter, your evenings with ‘me time,’ and your fridge stocked to the brim! Happy Father’s Day!

Example. Reference. Pride. This is exactly what every father would like to see for his children. And it doesn’t matter whether boys or girls grow up in a family, the father must be a real example, standard and pride for them. This is the opinion of the correspondent sb.by voiced by Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the House of Representatives on Human Rights, National Interests and the Media Irina Dovgalo.

Photo from the SB archive

— Today, October 21, we celebrate Father’s Day. In our country, this holiday recently received official status. In 2022, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, as the father of three sons, by the way, for whom he is an example, a standard, and pride, signed a decree that gave the status of this day. The head of state has always openly, in contrast to “European values,” supported the institution of the family, moreover, the traditional family, where there is a mother and father, and not parent 1 and parent 2.

The parliamentarian recalled the words of the Head of State that Father’s Day was established to emphasize that the head of the family plays an important role not only in ensuring income in the family:

— A strong shoulder is important in raising a child, the Belarusian leader is sure. And one cannot but agree with this. They say that when a man has a son, he becomes a father, and when a girl is born, he becomes a daddy. The man has a weak point – the little princess. The father’s strong character softens, becomes affectionate, kind, ready to indulge any whims. My dad never told us that he loved my sister and me, but from his actions we absolutely clearly understood that he loved us more than anyone in the world. A kind of principle – I love, but I don’t know the words of love. Or maybe words are not needed. It’s just that understanding this comes later. Only when you grow up and leave your parents’ home, only then will you realize the greatness and fully appreciate your dad’s love.

The parliamentarian emphasizes:

– All children, regardless of age, know that dad plays like a child, gives advice like a friend, protects like a bodyguard. On this day I would like to wish all fathers to spend as much time as possible with their children. Teach them kindness, creativity, patriotism. It is important not only to love your family and your country, you need to be able to protect them, and dad will teach you all this.

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