Sarath Das is an actor who has proved his mettle both on the mini screen and the big screen. Now the note that the actor shared on Facebook on his father’s day is getting attention. Sarath Das’s father Venmani Haridas was a singer in Mrinalini Sarabhai’s darpana. He was the person who sang songs including Mallika Sarabhai’s debut. Sarath says that his father was very dear to all of them.
Along with the picture of his father, the actor has also shared a letter sent by Mrinalini Sarabhai and Mallika Sarabhai.. 17 years following his father’s death.. Even today, Sarath says that his father’s voice and music remain in the heart of Kathakali lovers and music lovers. In the memory of my father, I shared the words and put it into words.. Today is my father’s Shraddha Day…
My father has been away for 17 years… From 1968 to 1976, my father worked as a musician at ‘Vikram Sarabhai and Mrinalini Sarabhai’s Darpana’ Academy of Performing Arts in Ahmedabad. On hearing the news of his father’s death, Mrinalini’s mother and Mallika Sarabha
Letter sent to us. Her father was so dear to her.. Even today, in the hearts of Kathakali lovers and music lovers, the voice and music of her father remain…