Father sings 2-year-old daughter was attacked until a brain hemorrhage Order a child care center Quick facts

A father complains of a 2-year-old daughter being attacked until a brain hemorrhage, while the municipality is affiliated with the Child Development Center. A fact-finding committee has been set up.

In the case of Mr. Bancha, 26, a native of Muang district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, brought evidence of a 2-year-old daughter who was injured with swelling, bruises on her eyes, face and head to petition the press to seek justice. After a daughter who was studying in early childhood at a child development center in Muang district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, was attacked until she was seriously injured. Bancha revealed that the incident happened. On the evening of the 4th of July ago After he and his wife went to pick up their children following school He noticed that the child had a fearful expression, and his face turned pale.

So I asked my daughter and said that I have a headache. I don’t want to come to school anymore. and following he took his daughter home My daughter has a severe headache. to the point of vomiting When looking at the head looks swollen and bruised. but no external wounds So he took the child to the hospital. The doctor performed an X-ray and found that His daughter had a cerebral hemorrhage. He was very shocked as to what had happened. When asked to inquire with a mentor at the Child Development Center received an answer back that Children play with lego blocks together. But when he asked his daughter Instead, the daughter said that the teacher was the hitter, who is now collecting evidence to report to the police at the Muang Nakhon Ratchasima Police Station. to seek justice for the family

later the medianewsTraveled to the Child Development Center at the scene of the accident. There are no surveillance cameras in the center. and from the questionnaire Mrs. Chittima, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Nong Phai Lom Subdistrict Municipality Who is responsible for this child development center revealed that the matter happened by the municipal administration. already know And called the teacher in the room of the two children to inquire regarding the facts. Initially, both teachers said that they were not the doers. But the municipal administration not calm and has ordered the establishment of a committee to investigate the facts to be fair to all parties As for remedies, the municipality will be responsible for the initial medical expenses. And following this, it will propose to approve the budget for installing many CCTV cameras. in the Child Development Center



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