Fashion Week flopped on the Decentraland metaverse


metaverseFashion Week flopped on Decentraland

The online event was only able to bring together barely a thousand people simultaneously.

Major brands such as Adidas, the German equipment supplier Adidas with the three stripes logo, participated.


It’s grimace soup on Decentraland, one of the busiest immersive environments. Highly anticipated, the four days of Fashion Week only attracted 27,000 “metaversians”: This is four times less than for the previous edition. There have never been more than a thousand visitors at the same time, acknowledged a spokesperson for the metaverse. Major brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Tommy Hilfiger and other Adidas had nevertheless taken great steps to display themselves.

“Although the number of participants has decreased, we have had tens of thousands of new visitors to the metaverse, relativized on TheBlock site Giovana Graziosi Casimiro, Fashion Week Immersive Event Manager. We believe we have improved on last year’s experience.”

Decentraland’s real estate market is itself in crisis. Weekly trading volumes hover around $50,000 per week, a far cry from volumes that exceeded $1 million per week through late 2021 and early 2022. “Only between 20 and 30 people per week are buying and sell land NFTs on Decentraland, according to expert Brad Kay interviewed by The Block. This is really worrying… the number of traders has been decreasing since the start of 2022.”

The company was pleased, for example, with the acquisition, for the equivalent of 2.5 million dollars, of a prime plot on Decentraland in the Fashion Street district to transform it into a virtual luxury store. . The craze had crossed geographical and generational borders since in Switzerland itself Pro Senectute had acquired two plots on Decentraland.


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