Fashion Mogul Receives Eleven-Year Sentence for Abuse Offenses

Fashion Mogul Receives Eleven-Year Sentence for Abuse Offenses

The former fashion mogul Peter Nygård gets eleven years in prison for the four cases of sexual assault he was convicted of last year. This is reported by AFP.

The judge states, among other things, that Nygård, now 83 years old, committed abuse with a high degree of violence and humiliation.

Peter Nygård founded Nygård International in 1967. The company became one of Canada‘s largest fashion companies and expanded worldwide. After a long series of accusations against Nygård, the company filed for bankruptcy in 2020.

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Peter Nygard Sentenced to ‌11 Years in Prison for Sexual Assault

Peter Nygard Sentenced to 11 Years in​ Prison for Sexual ⁤Assault

Former ‍fashion mogul Peter Nygard has been sentenced ‌to 11 years‍ in prison for sexually assaulting four women in ⁣Toronto, Canada [[1]][[2]][[3]]. The 83-year-old was⁤ convicted of‍ the crimes, which took place from the late 1980s, and was handed down the sentence by a judge who ⁤described the abuse⁢ as “with a high degree of⁣ violence ‍and humiliation” [[1]].

About Peter Nygard

Peter Nygard founded Nygard International ⁣in 1967, ​which ​went⁢ on to become one of Canada’s⁤ largest fashion companies, expanding worldwide ⁤ [[1]]. However, after a long series‍ of accusations against Nygard, the company filed for bankruptcy in 2020 [[1]].

The Crimes and Conviction

Nygard was convicted ‌of sexually assaulting four women ⁣in Toronto, with the judge stating that the ⁢abuse was committed with ⁤a high degree ⁣of violence and humiliation [[1]].‍ The trial revealed the extent of Nygard’s crimes, with the​ victims testifying against him.

The⁤ Sentence ⁤and Its Implications

The ⁣11-year sentence handed down to Nygard is‌ a⁤ significant one, considering his age and the⁢ severity of⁢ the⁢ crimes. The sentence sends a strong⁣ message that sexual assault will not ‌be tolerated and that perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions.

Sentence ⁢Details Duration
Peter Nygard’s Sentence 11 ​years

The Impact of Nygard’s Crimes

Nygard’s crimes ⁣have had ‍a⁣ significant ⁢impact on the lives‌ of the victims and their families. The sentence ‌brings a sense of closure and justice to those affected by his actions.

The‍ Fallout for​ Nygard International

The accusations against Nygard led​ to the downfall of Nygard International, which filed for bankruptcy ‌in 2020 [[1]].‍ The company’s collapse had⁤ a significant impact on the fashion​ industry, with many jobs⁤ lost as ​a⁢ result.

The Bigger ⁤Picture

Nygard’s case is just one example of ‌the widespread issue of sexual assault⁢ and harassment. The #MeToo movement has brought attention to the issue, with many⁤ high-profile cases coming to light in recent years. The sentence handed down to Nygard is a reminder that ‍victims will be believed and perpetrators will be held ​accountable.


Peter Nygard’s ‍sentence is a significant⁤ moment in the fight against ‌sexual assault and harassment. The former fashion mogul’s crimes have had a‌ lasting impact on the ⁤lives of the victims and their ​families, and the sentence brings a sense of closure and justice to those⁤ affected. The case⁤ serves as a reminder that sexual assault ⁢will not be tolerated⁣ and ⁤that ⁢perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions.

Peter Nygard Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison for Sexual Assault

Peter Nygard Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison for Sexual Assault

Peter Nygard, the former Canadian fashion mogul, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison after being convicted of four counts of sexual assault. This sentencing comes after a long series of accusations against Nygard, which led to his company, Nygard International, filing for bankruptcy in 2020.

About Peter Nygard

Peter Nygard founded Nygard International in 1967, which became one of Canada’s largest fashion companies and expanded worldwide. Nygard was known for his flashy lifestyle and extravagant parties, but behind the scenes, he was accused of committing heinous crimes.

The Crimes and Conviction

Nygard was accused of sexually assaulting four women in Toronto, Canada, from the late 1980s to the mid-2000s. The victims came forward with allegations of sexual abuse, with some saying they were raped and others saying they were forced into sex trafficking. The judge stated that Nygard committed abuse with a high degree of violence and humiliation [[1](].

The Sentence and Its Implications

The 11-year prison sentence is a significant blow to Nygard, who is now 83 years old. This sentencing sends a strong message that those who commit sexual crimes will be held accountable for their actions, no matter their status or position.

The Impact of Nygard’s Crimes

Nygard’s crimes have had a profound impact on his victims, who have suffered immensely at his hands. The sentencing is a small step towards justice for these victims, who have bravely come forward to share their stories.

The Fallout for Nygard International

The accusations against Nygard led to his company filing for bankruptcy in 2020. This collapse has had far-reaching consequences for the company’s employees, suppliers, and customers. The sentencing of Nygard is a stark reminder of the consequences of allowing a culture of abuse to thrive.

The Bigger Picture

Nygard’s sentencing is part of a larger movement to hold accountable those who commit sexual crimes. The #MeToo movement has brought attention to the prevalence of sexual abuse and harassment, and the need for accountability and justice.


Peter Nygard’s sentencing is a significant milestone in the fight against sexual abuse and harassment. It serves as a reminder that no one is above the law, and that those who commit crimes will be held accountable. The impact of Nygard’s crimes will be felt for years to come, but this sentencing is a step towards justice and healing for his victims.


[1] Reuters. (2024, September 9). Former Canada fashion mogul Nygard sentenced to 11 years in prison for sex assault cases. Retrieved from

[2] BBC. (2024, September 9). Peter Nygard sentenced to 11 years for sexual assaults. Retrieved from

[3] CBC. (2024, September 9). ‘Sexual predator’ Peter Nygard sentenced to 11 years for 4 counts of sexual assault. Retrieved from



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