After allegations once morest the first party on the list became known, party leader Werner Kogler gathered the party’s top team to provide Schilling with support. The Vice Chancellor spoke of “anonymous grumbling” and “farts”. Schilling himself did not comment on the content of the allegations.
For a few weeks now, a number of media outlets have had documents regarding Schilling’s cease-and-desist declaration in a private matter. This information has now been published by “Standard”. There were also various rumors from the top candidate’s private life, which, according to the paper, can be verified. Overall, a very unfavorable picture of Schilling’s character was painted.
Video: Lena Schilling defends herself once morest allegations
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The Greens did not want to directly blame the “Standard” on Wednesday. The Greens won’t complain either. The content is not discussed: “I hope it is acceptable that my private life is still my private life,” said Schilling. She actually wanted to talk regarding the content that was at stake in the EU elections.
“Organized campaign”
The Greens see the “organized campaign,” which club boss Sigrid Maurer recognizes, as being directly directed once morest young women. Kogler found that the dirt buckets had been filled and were now being emptied on a young woman. Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler saw the nature of the allegations as “uninhibited”: “It concerns me.”
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Maurer emphasized the principle that – at least with the Greens – one separates what is politically relevant and what is highly personal. Schilling has her full support. Gewessler also emphasized: “You are exactly the right person.” Party vice-president Stefan Kaineder advised Schilling not to put on any (emotional) armor despite the attacks in politics.
“We knew that the election campaign would be dirty”
The top candidate herself said that you won’t get anyone interested in politics if you throw dirt at each other. If the newspaper publishes such a story, it is their free decision. What she does criticize, however, is that the campaign is based on rumors and insinuations.
However, Kogler doesn’t want to be discouraged during the election campaign: “We knew that the election campaign would be dirty. But we won’t let anonymous grumbling or farting stop us.”
Of the other political parties, only the FPÖ reacted. Secretary General Michael Schnedlitz said in a broadcast that brushing off all allegations as a campaign would not work. “Green decency” is now “finally history”. Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) did not want to comment on the matter before the Council of Ministers.
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