Farming: movement on pork animal husbandry logo

Movement in pork animal husbandry logo

The traffic light coalition wants to introduce mandatory husbandry labeling this year, which should also include transport and slaughter. Photo: Jens Büttner/zb/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

When buying meat, many consumers are also interested in how animals once lived. There is a seal on packs in the refrigerated section – and something is happening at its levels.

In the struggle for better conditions in the stalls, there is movement in the supermarket ranges. With the husbandry labeling introduced in the trade, the proportion of pork that comes from stables that only meet the minimum legal standards fell.

The lowest level 1 of the four-level labeling now accounts for 21.6 percent. This emerges from new data from the supporting company, which is available to the German Press Agency. 68.3 percent of the marked goods are now in level 2 with slightly higher requirements. In previous surveys, around 80 percent of pork fell on stage 1 and less than ten percent on stage 2.

Surcharges for animal welfare requirements

The background to the postponement is further developments in the “animal welfare initiative” supported by agriculture, the meat industry and trade, as a spokesman explained. Participating farmers receive surcharges for additional animal welfare requirements. As a result of the new regulations, more farms and more animals are now in these programs – namely around 35 percent instead of the previous 25 percent of the pigs kept in Germany. At the same time, the logo of the “animal welfare initiative” can be attached to more products in the refrigerated shelves.

The large supermarket chains started uniform labeling for meat and sausages with the imprint “Hungary form” in 2019. It starts at level 1 with the minimum legal requirements. Level 2 “Stable housing plus” promises at least ten percent more space and additional activity material. Level 3, called “outdoor climate”, guarantees animals even more space and contact with fresh air. At level 4 (“Premium”) they also have access to the outdoors. Organic meat is also classified in this category. According to the information, the label can be found in more than 20,000 supermarket branches, and retailers label around 90 percent of their meat ranges with it.

Significant improvement expected

According to the new data from November last year, 85.6 percent of beef still comes from the lowest level 1 – and only 0.9 percent from level 2. In the course of the year, however, a large shift towards level 2 is to be expected, explained the spokesman for the sponsoring company. The background is that the “animal welfare initiative” is expanding its program with price surcharges for additional requirements to include cattle. Companies can register from March 15th.

In the case of beef, 2.0 percent of the labeled goods now come from the higher level 3, and 11.5 percent come from level 4. In the case of pork, 5.3 percent is at level 3 and 4.8 percent at the highest level 4. In the case of poultry, level 2 continues to dominate with now 86.0 percent for chicken and 94.1 percent for turkey.

New regulations for more animal welfare in stables and clearer labeling for consumers are also on the political agenda. The traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP wants to introduce mandatory husbandry labeling this year, which should also include transport and slaughter.

Mandatory postural labeling is to come

Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir has already made it clear that the trading system cannot immediately mean the solution. Everyone is invited to participate and get involved. “But it does not replace government action,” said the Green politician in January. He has not yet heard that financing for the conversion of stables goes hand in hand with dealers wanting to remove meat from the lower husbandry levels from the range, as announced.

A model for secure financing is also to be launched this year so that farmers are not left with the sole burden of stall investments and ongoing additional costs. It’s about a “solidarity tax system on meat products”, as Özdemir said. Proposals from expert commissions are already on the table. Among other things, an “animal welfare tax” is under discussion, 40 cents more per kilo of meat would be conceivable. Irrespective of this, the ministry is planning an additional cash injection as start-up financing for the conversion.


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