Farmers’ Protests: Road Blockades and Demonstrations in the North

2024-01-12 05:49:29

As of: January 12, 2024 12:04 a.m

During the farmers’ week of action against the government’s agricultural policy, the focus in the north is today on Kiel – where a rally by farmers from Schleswig-Holstein ends. Yesterday there were farmers’ protests in MV, Hamburg and Hanover – as well as an offer for talks from Berlin.

Since Monday, there have been massive traffic disruptions every day this week due to blockades and demonstrations by farmers with their vehicles – with all federal states in the north being affected without exception. Farmers’ actions have been announced again for today.

Schleswig-Holstein: Farmers head for the state capital

In Schleswig-Holstein, a rally starts in the morning from the districts of Plön and Rendsburg-Eckernförde as well as from Lübeck towards the state capital. Well over 1,000 vehicles are expected, said a spokeswoman for the farmers’ association. Traffic problems are inevitable. The organizers are planning a large protest rally on the parade ground in Kiel for 1 p.m. Agriculture Minister Werner Schwarz (CDU) is also scheduled to speak there.

Further information

Farmers from all over the country want to block roads and take part in the rally to Kiel. more

On Monday there will be talks between politicians and farmers in Berlin

The ongoing protests with which farmers want to draw attention to their economic situation and working conditions in agriculture are apparently having an effect. At a meeting on Thursday in Cottbus, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) expressed understanding for the demonstrations and offered farmers a dialogue. The leaders of the coalition factions invited the chairmen of the eight farmers’ associations to a meeting in Berlin next Monday. One of the farmers’ goals is for the federal government to reverse the planned cuts in agricultural subsidies.

AUDIO: Demos and actions: This is how day four of the farmers’ protests in the north went (3 min)

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Motorway entrances blocked

On Thursday, renewed blockades of motorway entrances in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania were a focus of the protests in the north. Farmers used their tractors to prevent drivers from entering motorways at 40 access points across the country. The blockades caused major traffic problems and traffic jams and, according to police, they also led drivers to undertake risky maneuvers.

There were also blockades and rallies with hundreds of participants in front of several food logistics centers in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, for example in Stavenhagen and Dummerstorf near Rostock.

Further information

On their second day of action, farmers in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also blocked logistics centers for food. more

That was the second big day of action of the farmers’ protests in MV. It was marked by long blockades and rallies. Image gallery

Lower Saxony: Large tractor demo in Hanover

Farmers arrived from all directions on Thursday after a rally in downtown Hanover to take part in a protest rally in front of the Lower Saxony state parliament. Around 1,200 farmers, as well as craftsmen, took part, according to the police. There were traffic delays. There were also protests by farmers in other regions of the country.

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Further information

There were protests across the country. The police have initiated criminal proceedings after a tractor drive on the A39. more

Hanover is the target of a central protest action by farmers on Thursday. Around 3,000 tractors are taking part. Image gallery

Hamburg: Farmers also block the port

In Hamburg, hundreds of farmers – also after convoy trips from the surrounding area – gathered for a large rally in the port to protest, among other things, against planned holiday trade agreements. The organizers spoke of up to 600 participants. The Hamburg Port Authority said the port terminals were not affected. The seaports in Emden, Wilhelmshaven and Bremerhaven were also served by tractors.

Further information

They drove through the city on their tractors from Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. There was no traffic chaos. more

Farmers protests

Motorway entrances were blocked in MV, and there were also many tractors on the road in Hamburg and Hanover. The federal government wants to speak to farmers’ associations on Monday. more

Among other things, there were actions in SH and Lower Saxony on Wednesday. The demonstrations and blockades should continue. more

After the start of the protest week, farmers demonstrated again in several places, such as Stade and Rügen. more

The demonstrations caused disruptions on streets and highways. An overview of the actions at the start of the strike. more

Right-wing slogans are repeatedly noticed at the demos, but there is a countermovement. Agriculture is “colorful and not brown”. more

SH Interior Minister Sütterlin-Waack, the police and the public prosecutor’s office gave insight into the investigation on Wednesday. more

They were waiting for the Minister of Economics on Thursday at the ferry dock in Schlüttsiel. The police used pepper spray and the public prosecutor’s office is investigating. more

The vehicle tax exemption should now remain in place, the tax relief for agricultural diesel should only be phased out gradually. The reactions from the north. more

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NDR Info | News | 01/12/2024 | 00:00

#Farmers #protests #north #Rally #Kiel #today #News

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