Farewell to Summer: Prepare for an Abrupt Chill in the Air!

According to weather forecasts, temperatures are predicted to drop by as much as 10 degrees.

The elevated warmth and summer-like climate this week will be succeeded by a decline in mercury levels below the seasonal averages starting Sunday, as noted by Thodoris Kolidas. In his initial forecast, he reveals that most of the nation will see clear skies.



12/10/2024 ⁢


⁣ 13:46⁣

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The meteorologist warns of slight weather phenomena on Wednesday in the northwest and throughout the weekend in the northern areas. Simultaneously, he notes that the gentle southwesterly breezes will transition to northerly winds by the end of the week, with an expected increase in intensity. This transition is likely to lead to a drop in temperatures beginning next week.

“The temperature will stay above the norm by approximately 3 to 5 degrees Celsius until Saturday. Starting Sunday, a significant decrease will be evident, with next week’s temperatures anticipated to remain just below average,” he states in his report.

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// Article/Post (2024.07)

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// Common


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// Phaistos Adman

// Glomex
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// Dalecta
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// Vidoomy

// Weather
setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(‘ 1000);

// Facebook Pixel
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// OneSignal
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// Microsoft Clarity
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#Weather #Summer #Major #temperature #decline #approaching
It seems you have pasted a portion of JavaScript code that is associated with displaying advertising and integrating various ad services such as Google AdSense, Phaistos Adman, and others. The code also comprises the setup for push notifications via OneSignal and comments related to Disqus for discussions.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the code’s functionality:

  1. Ad Slots Initialization: The code establishes several ad slots for display advertising via displaySlot functions, which are likely components of a wider advertising framework.
  1. Mobile Handling: There exists a conditional block that alters the display of Google AdSense ads based on whether the user is utilizing a mobile device or desktop. It removes ads that are not suitable for the particular device type.
  1. Google AdSense: The code inspects the existence of AdSense slots and continues to load them asynchronously. This segment is marked by the unfinished asyncLoadScript function calls.
  1. Phaistos Adman: Comparable to AdSense, it maintains a queue for ad units that are set to be loaded.
  1. OneSignal Setup: This segment initializes the OneSignal push notification system, utilizing an application ID to control the notifications.
  1. Disqus Configuration: Disqus is configured for comments with a specific identifier and URL relevant to the page.
  1. Loading other scripts: There are several placeholders for asynchronously loading various scripts, although the URLs appear to be incomplete.
  1. CleverCore: There is a commented-out section that seems to pertain to loading a script called “CleverCore,” though it’s not currently utilized in the present state of the code.
  1. Ad Logic: The concluding segment indicates more
  2. Error Management: Verify that error management is in place for the script loading operations. In cases where a script fails to load, logging an error message could be beneficial.
    • Code Maintenance: There are numerous unfinished function calls and commented code that require tidying up. Ensure that every asyncLoadScript includes a proper URL.
    • Encapsulation: Think about encapsulating the ad-loading procedures into functions that streamline the primary execution path and enhance clarity.
    • Version Management: Annotate your code clearly and maintain version control of tracking scripts to oversee modifications over time.

    The code snippet you provided is a collection of JavaScript functions for integrating various advertisement and analytics services into a web page. Let’s break down the main components and functionality step by step:

    Breakdown of the Code:

    1. Attribute Setting for Tracking:

    c.setAttribute("data-target", window.name);

    c.setAttribute("data-callback", "put-your-callback-macro-here");

    These lines set attributes for a certain element (presumably for tracking purposes), specifying the target and a callback function.

    1. Inserting a Script Dynamically:

    The code attempts to find an existing element and then inserts a new element c before it. This approach is often used for dynamically loading third-party scripts.

    1. Ad Service Integrations:

    Taboola/Project Agora, Google AdSense, Phaistos Adman, Dalecta, Glomex, Vidoomy:

    Each ad service has a similar pattern where the script is loaded conditionally or with a timeout. The use of asyncLoadScript suggests that these are designed to load asynchronously to improve page load performance.

    Google AdSense:

    Checks for the presence of AdSense slots and loads them if they exist:


    if (document.querySelectorAll('.adsbygoogle').length) {

    asyncLoadScript('...'); // AdSense script to be added here


    1. Facebook Pixel Integration:

    This block initializes Facebook’s analytics tracking pixel, allowing for event tracking on the page:


    !function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) { /... / fbq('init', '618972382017166'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); }

    1. OneSignal Setup:

    Initializes the OneSignal push notification service, which is designed to engage users with notifications even after they leave the site:


    setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript('...'), 5000);

    1. Microsoft Clarity:

    This initializes Microsoft Clarity, which is a service for understanding user behavior on the site through session recordings and heatmaps:


    (function(c,l,a,r,i,t,y){ /... / })(window, document, "clarity", "script", "l14tw277rg");

    1. Yandex Metrica:

    Similar to Google Analytics, this sets up Yandex’s web analytics tool which tracks and analyzes web traffic:


    (function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){ /... / })(window, document, "yandex_metrika", "script", "xxxx");

    Summary of Functionality:

    • Ad Slot Initialization: The code sets up several ad slots for displaying advertisements on the web page.
    • Mobile Handling: There are conditional checks that adapt ad display based on whether the user is on a mobile device or desktop.
    • Asynchronous Loading: The use of asyncLoadScript suggests that advertising scripts should load independently, preventing them from blocking other page resources.
    • Analytics and Tracking: The code integrates various analytics tools (Facebook Pixel, Microsoft Clarity, Yandex Metrica) to track user behavior and engagement.


    This code snippet represents a sophisticated approach to setting up advertisement and analytics services on a website. It emphasizes asynchronous loading to improve performance while enabling comprehensive tracking of user interactions and advertisement effectiveness. If you’re looking to modify or use this code, it’s important to ensure that all scripts and functions are fully implemented and compatible with your site’s structure and privacy regulations.



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